Tagged With: francramon.com
Year of The Franc X
Life is one crazy adventure or nothing at all. 2015 was a busy and challenging one. Time has always been scarce for me but with that limitation, I got to appreciate the little and more crucial things in life. It’s really important to surround yourself with good habits and positive people as even when you go on autopilot, you’ll be fine. 2016 would even be crazier with a new project about to begin but just bring it. I’m ready!!! Continue reading
Francramon.com has a new look
I’m introducing a new header and logo for FrancRamon.com site to highlight the different segments on this site. Everything all started as my personal site (My Thoughts). Then came the time I started chronicling my adventures (My Travels). I also got bitten by the runners bug and started documenting the story of my races (My … Continue reading
Hello September!!!
“It’s the bigger picture that tells the story but we tend to end up getting lost on the pieces of the puzzles.” Injured I welcomed September with an injury scare. After falling hard on my butt in one of the obstacles in my last race. I felt some sting in my butt every time I … Continue reading
Year of the Franc (Year 6)
I think it’s safe to say that 2011 was a good year. I’ve been writing the Year of the Franc blogs for the 6th straight year and each year was different. 2006 was a banner year with me finishing MBA and getting promoted. 2007 was taking on new responsibilities and conquering new frontiers. 2008 was … Continue reading
Off Season
My 2011 racing calendar has just ended. Off Season Just like that… 21 races covering 232 kilometers of adrenalin rush and over 1,500 kilometers of trainings is a thing of the past. Just a few days away from all the races, I already miss the satisfaction of crossing a finish line whether it be the … Continue reading
Hello Francramon.com!!!
3 Become 1 I’ve moved to a new home and now all those post about my thoughts, my travels and my runs are now located in a single website, Francramon.com. I started blogging way back in 2005 via Inkblogs with a day to day anything under the sun topic range. I then set up my … Continue reading