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Year of The Franc X

Posted by on 30. December 2015

Life is one crazy adventure or nothing at all.  2015 was a busy and challenging one. Time has always been scarce for me but with that limitation, I got to appreciate the little and more crucial things in life.  It’s really important to surround yourself with good habits and positive people as even when you go on autopilot, you’ll be fine.  2016 would even be crazier with a new project about to begin but just bring it. I’m ready!!!

Year of the Franc X

Year of the Franc has been an annual tradition for the past 10 years.  It gets tougher measuring a year each year though.  Life is just one crazy adventure or nothing at all. 2015 has been a busy and challenging year but I’m saying that in a good way.  Sometimes with so many activities, people get the impression that I have a lot of time.  The truth is, like anybody, I also have 24 hours a day.  I just fill my day with the right habits so even on auto pilot, I get things done.  I like to spend my days on things that matters.  I spend a lot of time on my passions because it’s what keeps me alive.  I spend a portion of my time with family, friends and love ones because it’s what keep me sane.  I spend a portion of my time for my work because it’s what keep me sustainable.  I spend a portion to sleep and rest because it’s what keeps me energized.  2015 just flew by but I was able to do a lot of things that matters to me and with that here’s my 2015 in a nutshell.

Home is where the heart is

I can count the days I am at home in Baguio City but it will always be the place I get to begin and end the year.  Home will always be home.  I’ll always treasure the days that I just chill at home and enjoy the good weather.  Christmas and New Year has always been a family affair. We’d set the program so that we get to be silly and enjoy the holidays together.  That has been a time tested tradition since we were kids.  Somethings change but somethings always stay the same. That’s the charm I get from home as it remains in touch with tradition and it’s not as fast-paced like my life in Makati.  It’s always a welcome breather plus II do love the cooler climate here.

Running is a Lifestyle

Like in 2014, the year started chasing a marathon.  Chasing my second marathon was a totally different journey.  On one end, you are more equipped with knowledge on how your body survives 42.195 kilometers but at the same time more is expected from you.  I did exceed my previous best by more than 20 minutes. It’s not as sweet as the first but it was equally satisfying.  I got to do some extreme stuff like doing mountain runs even on tougher race conditions.  I was able to cross the finish line 28 times in a variety of distance and races.  When it comes to running, I’ve probably gone through several cycles of running fast, running slow, running long, running injured and running with the heart.  It’s a lifestyle now and it’s now a part of who I am.

Baket (?) List

I’ve been able to tick off some items of my bucket list. Every time I am there, I always wonder. “Baket ko to ginagawa? (Why am I doing this?)”.  My Bucket List is also my Baket (?) List.  If there’s one thing that excites me as much as running it’s the trails and the mountains.  Why?  It’s a physical, mental and emotional challenge. While running you can just zone out and do the distance, trails gets you thinking more in the process.  You get to plan the best way to run different surfaces or how to manage your energy on the climbs and the descents.  It gets you wondering on your limits but at the end of assault, you get that satisfaction of conquering a part of yourself.  I got to reach the peak of Mount Pulag via Cordillera Mountain Run.  I got to experience the out of this world summit of one of the tallest mountains in South East Asia in Mount Kinabalu.  I got to experience a lot of time in the trails and really appreciative of the raw beauty of nature. Those heartbeat raising moments on the climb gets rewarded by the magnificent scenery around the trails.

Travel Time

I don’t travel as much as I used to. There was a time in my life that I am always out of the country.  I do make out the most of my time whenever I am away.  There are a lot of domestic travels for training, vacation and having fun.  I got to travel twice in Singapore for Board Meetings and got to join an international run in the process.  I got to spend a few days in Kota Kinabalu as part of the climb to Mount Kinabalu. I got to have a week’s worth of vacation in Hong Kong and went on trails-all-you-can mode.  I got to join Camp Alpha for a multisport camp in Bohol where I got to do core workout, drills and a trail and beach run.  I also got a chance to go to Cambodia for another Board Meeting, which was practically a road trip as we had to travel from one venue to another.


FrancRamon.Com has been a growing venture.  When I shifted all my blogs into one banner, I never expected it to be this big.  Years ago, I was managing thousands of views per year.  Now, it has grown to have several hundred thousands views a year. Despite the growth, I do feel that it’s about to plateau at this level so let me plan ways to make it bigger and better.  It’s really important to grow with a purpose and I hope I did get people to enjoy more of the life outdoors as they join runs, hit the trails or go to several bucket list destinations.  A website is not a free pass to the coolest activities in town but it’s a responsibility to your readers to try to impart values in their lives.  I hope I was able to help in that aspect.

A Business On My Own

Years ago, I never saw myself having a business on my own.  I was so hooked in the corporate world and was successful at it.  I guess, there just comes that you want to make your own imprint and have something you can call your own. Call it a leap of fate but here comes FrancRamon Enterprises Inc and it’s gonna take off soon.  It’s gonna start with a distribution of Oakley Eye wear in 2016.  It’s gonna be a new learning process for me but I’m very excited for this and hopeful that it would grow to something bigger.

A Message of Thanks

I am really grateful with so many things in my life.  Being grateful is the secret of contentment and being contented is the secret of happiness.

  • Thanks to my readers.  You are the lifeblood of this site.
  • Thanks to Sponsors and PR Partners for trusting this site.
  • Thanks to my family and friends.  You are my comfort zone and there’s no better place than being beside you guys.
  • Thanks to my colleagues and workmates.  You support me and you always keep me challenge
  • Thanks to the unseen hands that’s doing wonders in my life.
  • Thanks for everyone that comes and everything that happens as all things happen for a reason.

Happy 2016!!! I’m Ready!!!

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