Tagged With: Monitor
Make Each Moment Matter With #PolarA300
We don’t usually notice them but we have those little habits that are not healthy nor ideal. #PolarA300 measures it all. It goes beyond being just an everyday watch as it’s an every second, every moment watch by tracking your activity. As you track your activity, you’ll get to know habits you can keep and habits you can change. It gives you a goal, inactivity alerts and measures it as the day goes by. Continue reading
Be on the Go with Soleus GO!!!
“When it comes to fitness, it does not start and end with exercise. It’s a lifestyle. It involve everything you do from the stairs you get to climb daily to the regular walk from the parking lot to the office and yes, it goes farther on how we sleep. Soleus GO! Activity Band comes with … Continue reading
Track Your Activity with Polar Loop
Being fit does not necessarily require being active in sports or going to the gym. The simplest things we do like walking the stairs or even just reducing sitting time can contribute to your fitness level. Polar Loop monitors your movement in a day and suggest ways of meeting your goals. Read about: My 2014 … Continue reading