Tagged With: Polar Loop
A Runners Christmas List
It’s the time of year when Christmas gift exchanges are popular once again. If you have friend or family member that happens to be a runner, there are a lot of gift ideas you can find at Runnr. You could find something wet and soft like a GU Gel or go for something techie like … Continue reading
Track Your Activity with Polar Loop
Being fit does not necessarily require being active in sports or going to the gym. The simplest things we do like walking the stairs or even just reducing sitting time can contribute to your fitness level. Polar Loop monitors your movement in a day and suggest ways of meeting your goals. Read about: My 2014 … Continue reading
My 2014 Product Wish List from Runnr
“When you’re preparing for your 2014 key races, be sure to be armed with a no-quit, no excuses attitude and have the right gear in your armory. Runnr has been a constant partner to Runners since running has evolved from a sport to a lifestyle over the years.” Read about: SRI Phils Powered Team Total … Continue reading