Distance: 3K Run, 20K Bike, 2K Run
Time: 1:37 including transition (3K Run: 19 minutes, 20K Bike: 1:03, 2K Run: 15 minutes)
Date: July 31, 2013
Pace: 3K Run: 6:20 minute per kilometer, 20K Bike: 19 Km/hour, 3K Run: 7:30 minute per kilometer
“A duathlon is really challenging event since it combines the pounding of a run and the rigors of a cycling event. It’s also a good way to balance of muscle use as the run gives the calves a workout while a bike is powered by the quads. Fitness and Athletics Indoor Duathlon Challenge is a really enticing challenge to try out the top of the line equipments and at the same time have a solid indoor workout.”
I haven’t done a duathlon for the year, my last one being the ASTC Duathlon Championship last November so having a chance to witness the Celebrity and Elite Indoor Duathlon Challenge had me missing duathlons. Since I was given a complimentary bib, I immediately scheduled my indoor duathlon on a weeknight, July 31, 2013, Wednesday. I was reserving my weekends for outdoor rides and runs in preparation for other duathlons. Having to end my month via the indoor duathlon would be like ending it with a bang. So that leads me to the starting line at Fitness and Athletics Company.
The Race
I arrived early at FItness and Athletics Company for my 7:30 pm slot. I was immediately fitted to the Pro Form Le Tour De France Bike Trainer and given instructions on how to operate the Intensa 550 TE Treadmill. The other participant was also early so were able to start the indoor duathlon earlier than the start time.
3K Run
First up was the run leg and 3K on the treadmill felt like forever for someone who loves to run outdoors. Anyway as soon I warmed up, I went to speed up to 9 kph and then went to push it further to 10 and 10.5 kph and to my excitement had the better of me as 1.35 kilometers into the race while trying to speed up the trainer, I accidentally pressed the pause button so they had to reset the machine before I resumed the remaining 1.65 kilometres since I already lost so much time I proceeded directly to 10 kph and paced fast for the remaining distance. I finished my 3 kilometers in 19 minutes and my legs very fatigued already from the faster cadence. I somehow forgot the usual duathlon strategy of slowing down towards the end of the run leg to start fresh on the bike leg.
20K Bike
I’m still feeling the rigors of a fast 3K run leg and pedalling the Pro Form Le Tour De France Trainer was really much heavier. I targeted a conservative pace of 20 kph. So I started playing around the 2nd and 3rd gear and was able to maintain the 20 kph pace but I’m slowly depleting my energy reserves so I was slowing down already for a few kilometres plus having no music also was making it a struggle. I brought out my iphone where I have the sufferfest cycling videos to watch. By the 8th kilometer, I now found that the second gear was my most comfortable gear and played around the resistance in the second gear. I now developed a strategy of taking it a kilometer at a time starting at gear 2 (front gear) – 5 (rear gear) and move on until 2-10 towards the end of the kilometer and would repeat the cycle for the next kilometer. Just like that I was more relaxed in piling up the kilometers until I finally reached kilometer 20 at 1:03 which is just 3 minutes off my target.
2K Run
For the last 2K, I was a bit more conservative with my pace. Doing 200-300 meters at 9 minute pace and having several seconds at 6 minute pace. By the last kilometre, I increased the 9 kph part to 400 meters until the 1.8 kilometers mark. At the last 200 meters, my quad muscles cramped up but I didn’t want to stop so I reduced my speed to 6 kph for the rest of the way and even with pain in my quads, I was happy to see the end of the 2 kilometer run and a finish to this one.
The indoor duathlon challenge was really a difficult one especially the bike part. The Pro form Le Tour de France trainer can really make you a lot stronger because of the higher resistance compared to regular trainers. It was really satisfying to finish this one and it was a solid workout on a weekday.
The indoor duathlon challenge is ongoing until September 30, 2013 and you can register here. I highly recommend you also take the indoor duathlon challenge as aside from getting to try the Intenza treadmill and Tour De France bike trainer, you also get a lot of freebies which includes drinks from Gatorade, Fruit Juices from Ceres, Shirt from 8a and a cool finisher shirt. So glad to take the indoor duathlon challenge and I’m planning to take it again to beat my current time and also try out the machines again.
Weapon of Choice
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