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Incoming: Color Manila Run 2

Posted by on 20. November 2013

“The world would be a lot safer and colorful if we welcomed the New Year with color powder instead of gun powder and firecrackers.  Color Manila Run gave us a colorful start for 2013 and since 2014 is just around the corner, let me say, let’s do it AGAIN.”

Color Manila Run 2

Color Powdered Enveloped the Skies of BGC in the first Color Manila Run – Photo by Jonah May Trapal

Color Manila Run gave thousands of participants of all ages a festive and colorful start for their year with them passing through different color stations where they got spluttered, rolled around and bathed in the various color powders from the blue, yellow, pink, purple and green.  The visual delight does not end in the run as the color powder ceremony had the skies of BGC enveloped in the different colors of the powders coming from the participants.  And that’s how you start a year so let’s do it again with twice the fun as Color Manila Run turns 2.

Let’s Welcome 2014 the Colorful Way. – Photo by Lem So

Color Manila Run 2 is happening once again in Bonifacio Global City on January 5, 2014 and has the all-the-fun distance of 3 and 5 Kilometers that even non-runners can enjoy.  There’s also a 10 Kilometer distance for who prefer a longer run.  It’s a run for everybody, so bring in the battalion, bring in the friends, bring in the family, bring in the kids and let’s all enjoy a colorful start of the year.   Newbies or non-runner can also use this event to try to earn first running medal and the satisfaction of finishing a run as this would be in a no-pressure and all-the-fun-you-can-have environment.  Experienced runners can also meet their weekly mileage in a more relaxed environment during the run.   Let’s start the year the Color Manila Way, Register Now!

We’re giving away 2 race kits (Prepaid Card) for Color Manila Run 2.  Please follow mechanics below.

1) Like  as winners will be announced there.

2) Share this post on your Facebook Wall using the FB Share Button below (Make sure you set it in public mode) and tag 5 of your friends to join. Add Hashtag #ColorManilaRun2

3) Contest is open until December 22, 2013, 11:59 PM and winners will be announced on December 23, 2013.

4) Since we’re rooting for a colorful new year, answer the question and the 2 best answer gets a kit each.

“What color would be the best one for 2014 and why?”

4) Post your answers in the comment box below.

5) Please make sure you follow the instructions.

And the Winners are:

Eugene Lim – Upon researching “Radiant Orchid” will be the color of Year 2014, maybe that is because it blooms with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imagination. A captivating harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, that color I think for me it emanates great joy, love and health.

Jose Ramizares — 2014 is the Year of the Wood element – the Wood Horse – so to be in harmony with the energy of the year and befriend the ruling Wood Horse energy, it is recommended to wear the color of the Wood feng shui element and since, this is my Favorite colors – all shades of green would be Better! GREEN is the Best for Lucky 2014!

Race Details
Start with an Immaculate White and End as Colorful as a Rainbow.
  • Date and Venue:
    • January 5, 2014, Sunday, Bonifacio Global City

    Medals for all Finishers

  • Distance and Fees
    • 3K, 5K and 10K
      • Flat Rate of P850
      • Inclusive of Race Bib, Color Manila Shirt, Color  Manila Foldable Sun Glasses
      • Everybody gets a medal and a color packet

      Kit Includes Foldable Shades

  • Registration

    • Online at Color Manila Run 2 Event Site
      • Via Credit Card
      • Via Prepaid Card, available at
        • Toby’s MOA, Glorietta and Shangrila
        • Runnr BGC, Trinoma and ATC
      • Via SM Tickets via (
  • Race Updates: Color Manila Run Facebook Page and Color Manila Run Website

Color Powder Packets

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