Sometimes the best way to survive the Outbreak is to be a part of the horde. This is how several individuals who joined the horde as part of the “Zombie Journals: Do You Want to be a Zombie?” viewed how survival would work. So how was it like to be a part of the horde? From a first hand perspective, it’s not always safe being a zombie. Some zombies got pushed. Some zombies got paper cuts and are on the receiving end of instinctive karate chops. Not to mention, chasing baits for several hours. The upside is seeing people having the time of their life. In zombie terms, that would mean, they are scared as hell. I guess that’s how an outbreak works. It has to be an emotional rollercoaster and scream fest for the sake of survival and having fun. It’s more fun being a zombie and here are some of the excerpts from the fresh horde on their first Outbreak Manila Zombie Experience.
Dreau Lanot
“I was immensely interested in joining Outbreak Manila because I’m a big fan of the zombie genre (and culture) and I personally believe that I can survive a zombie apocalypse. I’ve NEVER joined a fun run before but I found myself clueless and starting to prepare and run – to run for the Nuvali, BGC 1 and EK Outbreaks. opened up a chance to bright into the fictional dark side and join the Outbreak and perhaps get another awesome souvenir shirt (from Team Outbreak) ( Yes, you do get a zombie souvenir shirt) as zombie. It was fun because finally, I’m not at the receiving end of the scares. I admit I was too nice to be a zombie that night, but hey, it’s just a fun run.” – Dreau Lanot
Drew came in full force as a horned zombie menace coming from his Barbarian roots, an after effect of a zombie attack and solanium content as part of his regular diet.
Ludwig Desuasido
“I was an unbeatable brawler before I was infected with the Z – virus. I scoured bars and nightclubs, wrecking havoc and looking for people whom I could fight with, often leaving them bloodied and sometimes dead. No one. Even the police never tried to cross me because they knew better.
One day, the news of the outbreak spread, and Manila was ridden by hoards of ruthless zombies, which I took as a challenge. I eradicated hundreds of them, wiping away the hungry grins from those reanimated corpses. I was unstoppable, until I finally clashed the Psycho Prisoner Zombie. The battle was intense, and he was by far the most vicious opponent I’ve ever faced. Alas, fate was not in my favor, and I was defeated.
Now I walk aimlessly in the chaos of Manila, doomed to walk the earth as a flag – hungry zombie. I last found myself in BGC, at a maze of garters, trapping runners with my elastic web and giving them the scare of their lives. It was tiring but fun and I met friends from the living and from the dead. I can’t wait for my next buffet…I mean outbreak experience. – Ludwig Desuasido
Ludwig brought his psycho attitude at Outbreak BGC 2 and is awaiting his next feast as part of the Horde
Nico Lazatin
“I’ve known about the previous Outbreak events before and I actually wanted to join as a zombie but never got around to doing it. But thanks to a dear friend of mine who made me join’s Do You Want to be a Zombie contest. I was finally able to experience what it’s like to be a zombie. Long story short, it was very much worth the trouble of being covered in blood, ruining a good pair of clothes and trying to explain to my parents that I didn’t murder anyone. What exactly made it worthwhile? The compliments I would get as the runners would dash away screaming, the feeling of grabbing a flag from a scared runner and best of all, seeing the scared faces of most runners whenever I would sneak up on them. Being a zombie is exhilarating and I encourage those who want to become one to do so next Outbreak. Be part of the horde – Nico Lazatin
Nico was both a feast and companion to the Alecs in Wonderland Zombie (the werewolf zombie in human form).
RJ Miclat
“Blood-soaked dream come true. It was indeed a zombie riot experience that I had to immerse myself to a walking dead character more than I thought I should to at least recompense on how runners are actually fighting for every inch of their lives (well, by means of flags). It’s like an apocalypse movie or zombie video game that given a chance, I’ll certainly do again. And apart from flags that I got, I also got horde of friends that are not actually bloodcurdling – that is if there are no runners around.” – RJ Miclat
RJ came in patient’s scrubs and had the whole BGC as his hospital and had the baits as his meal.
Enzo Aragoza
“ First of all, I would like to thank for giving me an opportunity to be part of the horde. It was such a nice experience chasing the runners during the event. Here is my zombie journal:
The night has come for the horde to attack humans. I can feel the virus spreading in my veins. From human being to a wild, fast-running zombie. This was my first time to be zombificated and I just had a bloodbath. Kudos to MDA for their very talented makeup artists. Moving forward, I really had a great time chasing and scaring the hell out of the runners. Many tripped on the street running for their lives. I had to say that I’m one of the hungry zombies who want more food. My aunt (The Zombie Bride) asked me to get more flags as many as I can. No mercy. And so I obeyed her. I’m looking forward to the next Outbreak Run and I will make sure that these runners will scream and run to death. – Enzo Aragoza
Enzo was an all-out running zombie machine chasing flags at Outbreak BGC 2
Arjohn Silvestre
“ I was really nervous as I approached the horde (actually, I was lost). However, as I was destined to be one of them, I just walked into that tent and seeing my future mateys that coming night. I sat there as a normal student who wanted to celebrate the end of the semester, waiting for that person to turn me into that brainchaser. Apparently, I wasn’t able to see her coming, instantaneously donning me up into a creature I never thought I’d become.
The night came and I just saw myself bonded with the other zombies while trying to “tear” lives from those runners’ agitated flesh. We started to horrify those who just started the course. However, we, the walking “deads”, traveled to out next station- horror house-, and there we started the best adventure of the run – the “no mercy” zombies. As far as I remember, I was very eager grabbing lives from those runners. Until I dived into one of them and apparently obtaining bruises, that of the real zombies. Hahaha. But it was worth it. The dead night ended, however, with a smile in my face knowing how I turned into a real-life zombie with those bruises. Although I could have hoped I haven’t got those scars, they’ll remind me of my first (and hopefully NOT my last) zombie experience. That day ended with new set of friends and companions, and a sense of fulfillment. Another check in my bucket list.” – Arjohn Silvestre
Arjohn was a UP zombie at Outbreak BGC and taking part in an outbreak was away to de-stress from the rigors of school.
How about you? How was your Outbreak BGC 2 Experience as a Zombie or as a runner, a thrilled bystander or someone outside looking inside the Outbreak Manila Experience?
The Outbreaks – Nuvali / BGC / Enchanted Kingdom / BGC 2
Featured Zombies – The Psycho Prisoner / Michael Jackson / The Surgeon and the Bride / The Werewolf Zombie / The Rockstar Zombie / The NUNdead Jonah and Jeck / The Sekyu Zombie / Meia / Kid Zombie
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