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Things to Look Forward to

Posted by on 18. March 2012

Time and Worry

The reason why I’m not able to post any updates on my site is that I’m short of time and I’m overflowing with worries.  I’ve been down to eat-sleep-work-train routine for the past week and the good part about it is that I’m starting to build a bit of a momentum.  I’m always at my best when times are challenging.  Despite being good in time management, I’m caught wanting to have more time in my hand to do all the stuff that I want to do.  I guess, time does move on even if you’re in an interlude so stop dreaming and start getting things done for me.

It’s also intense that we’re against the clock in the annual report rush.  I still don’t have a clear picture on how to meet the deadline but all I know is that anything’s possible.  If the past has taught me one thing is that if you give it your best shot, someway or somehow things will fall into place.  It’s never easy but a task completed is a reward in itself.  Victory or success is sweetened by adversity so rather than digging endless reasons to fail, just do the task at hand and you’ll have a better shot at getting what you want.

Staying positive despite all that weigh you down is the challenge.  Situations change, tough times come and at times, you just can’t catch a break but it’s your mindset that spells the difference between a whiner and a winner.  I’d rather not dwell on the worries of the moment but look forward on things that’s yet to come.

My First Duathlon

Based on my first training camp, I’m a bit raw for my first duathlon.  The run speed and endurance is there but I’ve got lots more sufferfest to endure before a decent finish in the bike leg but this one is just for the feel of a duathlon event.  I may not be able to have a strong finish here but this would definitely keep me motivated in becoming better at it.  It’s been baby steps for me when it comes to bike training and after this, it’s time to get on the next level. 6K Run, 30K Bike and 3K Run.  That’s all the number that’s in my mind now.  It’ll be exciting to just get back on racing grounds after more than a month away from it.

My First Official Run in Baguio

My Bad! That’s not actually a running shot but running 5,000 feet above sea level would feel like flying.  I’ve been running since mid-2010 but this is just the first time I would actually be joining a run in my hometown and it’s 21K worth of hills and mountain to climb.  It’ll be interesting to reach PMA by foot coming from Burnham Park.  I have downgraded my expectations on this run as I’ve lost so much steam after being sick two weeks ago and injured a week ago.  One expectation though that never change is that I’ll have fun going through the terrain and the distance.

My First Run with Zombies

Oops that’s not an actual Zombie but what’s the difference if you get caught, you’re dead meat.  Ever since the zombie outbreak has been heard of I’ve been sold on the idea of joining.  It’s gonna be interesting on protecting 3 lives on a 5K route infested by Zombies.  Oh wait, wouldn’t it be more interesting to run as a Zombie.  Let’s see but in case I ran as a human, I hope I join the last wave as I’m sure all the zombies should be exhausted by then.

My First Beach Run

Running in the fine white sands of Boracay with the sun just starting to rise would be a splendid experience and lucky me, I’m assigned to cover the event and join in the 10K run.  I just wonder what my color scheme would be after all this runs and a beach run but it’s summer in the Philippines and there’s no other place I’d prefer to spend my summer.  Being tan at this time of the year is just synonymous to having fun.

My First Out of the Country Trip for the Year

This is a bit odd that I get to start my travels on the fourth month of the year but I want to reduce my travel load and focus more on training and balancing my time here.  I am looking forward to this trip as I get see friends in Singapore I get to see only once or twice a year.  Then again, I still need to finish the annual report before I get to look into that date.  Seeing old friends just keep me excited.

I’d cut my things to look forward to at that as I might have already fully booked my summer this early into the year.  I’m also in the thought process of having a long out of the country vacation but that I have to plan after my busy days are over.  It’s gonna be exciting and did I mention, Season 2 for Team Total Fitness is yet to come. I just can’t wait for that…

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