Muscles get swollen and inflamed after an intense workout or a run. Recovery time is really important. Nothing relieves muscle pain faster than icing the swollen muscle. Cryo+ Instant Cold Wraps gives you a handy wrap that you can use immediately to soothe those tired muscles. Cryo+ gave me instant relief after my long runs and getting me training ready faster.
Cryo+ Instant Cold Wraps
Cryo+ Instant cold wraps are designed for active people like me. It’s perfect for runners, basketball players and other sports. It provides compression to areas of muscle pain and swelling. With the compression effect, Cryo+ aids the muscle recovery helping you get back to your passions faster. What I like about the product was that it was really handy and easy to use. The product came to me at the right time too. I was in the last month of my marathon preparation and it would consist of the gradual build up of distance for the long runs. I usually have my long run on Sundays and should be back in training on Tuesday to build up for the long run the following weekend. The key was to recover faster.

Icing the knee after a long run.
I started 2015 with a solid 10 kilometer race. I was rusty at first coming from the December holidays and that goes to say that my muscles did feel the sting of the 10K run. I needed to be back in my feet training again after just a day of rest since I have to do 21 kilometers the following week. I did a sub 2:30 marathon the week after and given the speed and the distance, it’s another quick recovery time again since I had to do 32 kilometers the following week. Again there was Cryo+ to speed up my recovery process and after just a day of rest, I’m back to building up for my 32 kilometers run. I was able to do a sub 4 32 kilometers run, which was also my last long run before my marathon. I still had a few tune up runs before my marathons so I was able to maximize the recovery effect of the Cryo+ once again to help take away the accumulated fatigue before the Full Marathon (42.195 Kilometers). I was able to break my personal record while finishing my second marathon and even with some minor discomfort, my legs held through until the finish line. In 4 weeks, I’ve progressed from 10K, 21K, 32K and a full marathon and thanks to Cryo+, I didn’t miss a lot of time to rest or injury.
I have three focus area which is my knee, my calves and my shin since these are all injury prone areas for me. After each run, I use Cryo+ on this areas. I like that it’s really easy to use. Each box comes with a neoprene knee support and the instant cold packs. For first time use, the instant cold pack can be used immediately. Just let the water pouch pop inside the cold pack and let the ingredients mix. For the next uses, you have to keep it refrigerated and use it as a regular refrigerated cold packs. The neoprene knee support has pouch for the instant cold wraps and this helps attach to the knees or affected areas. You can also apply the cold pouch directly to the affected area as the ingredients are non-toxic.

It works also by applying directly to the affected area since ingredients are non-toxic.
The pack is recommended to be used in affected areas for about 15 to 20 minutes and it really brings in a soothing relief to tired muscles. It takes away the muscle pain and the swelling which makes muscle recovery faster. It can also reduce injuries with constant use as muscle pains and muscle fatigued are immediately remedied with the cold wraps. When you need to be back in your active self real fast, Cryo+ is perfect for you.
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