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Incoming: White Flower Run Takbo ng Kaunlaran

Posted by on 24. May 2014

“White Flower has been a partner, a protector from body pains, aches, dizziness and common diseases since 1927.  That track record of excellence will be brought to the race course on August 17, 2014 at Bonifacio Global City in White Flower: Pilipinas Kaya Natin ‘To, Takbo ng Kaunlaran.”

White Flower

I got to know the benefits of White Flower when I was this young.

I got to know of the benefits of White Flower when I was a kid.  One day, I woke up with a really wicked back pain and young as I was all I can do is cry and say that my back aches.  My dad immediately got White Flower, massaged my back and there it goes – instant relief.  White Flower is calming on the skin and joints as it soothes the body and pains in it.  It’s also a common remedy for headache, dizziness and many others.  It’s your instant home remedy and it’s been a partner and our protector since 1927.  It has now been passed on from several generations and for the current one, White Flower enters a new arena which happens on August 17, 2014 at Bonifacio Global City in White Flower: Pilipinas Kaya Natin ‘To, Takbo ng Kaunlaran.

When you say Takbo sa Kaunlaran, that also means that trying to progress in our goals too.  This is where White Flower would be different as there will be a 21 kilometer Special Race wherein there would be sub categories such as:

  • King and Queen of the Hill
  • Sprint King and Queen
  • 5K King and Queen
  • 10K King and Queen
  • 16K King and Queen

Race Mechanics for 21K Special Race

  • There will be special signages once you approach the 21K Special Race Marks and there will be a marshal waiting to hand over the special mark medal for the participant who claims it first.
  • Once the special mark medal is handed over to the participant who reaches the mark other participants cannot claim it anymore.
  • 21k Participants can only get one Special Award
  • 21K Participants who won the special awards must complete the whole race to claim there prize, they must turn over the medal at the finish line with the finish line judges and have their names recorded at the winners booth.
  • Participants will win special prizes from their specially marked awards
  • In case of disputes participants must prepare a written report against other participants and must be signed by the race director. There will be a corresponding dispute fee of 500 Php.

This would go to the first male and female who would be crossing this thresholds first.  This is an added incentive in the race and would definitely up the ante of the elite runners just to grab those markers.  They would be also offering 3K, 5K and 10K categories.  So, it’s a run that encompasses all types  of runners from newbies, short distance, long distance, experienced and elite runners.  You’ll love to conquer this one and don’t be afraid to push yourself further, White Flower can be a great sports liniment to calm your muscles.

I’d sure would love to drown myself with the soothing effect of White Flower this Big.

This would also be a run for a cause as White Flower will earmark part of the proceeds to a chosen cause.  White Flower has been alleviating pains, diseases and a lot more over the decades and this time, White Flower also would want to alleviate the suffering in the society from kids who would want a shot at a normal life to encouraging them to be into sports and environmental conservation activities.  So every stride, every sweat and every struggle you’ll have would go for a really worthy cause.  White Flower: Pilipinas Kaya Natin ‘To, Takbo ng Kaunlaran would be organized by Without Limits.  Without Limits has always been coming up with unique concepts, precision planning and execution in their races.

Race Details

Singlet design

  • Date and Venue:

    • August 17, 2014, Bonifacio Global City
  • Distance:

    • 3K, 5K, 10K and 21K Special Race
  • Fees: 

    • 3K, P300
    • 5K, P400
    • 10K, P600
    • 21K, P850
      • Includes singlet, race bib and 2 small boxes of calchews Chewables 15s
      • There will be finisher shirts for all 21K finishers
      • Promotions: 10% discount on registration if your product a proof of purchase of P180 worth of White Flower Embrocation

21K Finisher Shirt

Finisher Medal

  • Registration Centers:

    • Online Registration via Dragon Pay Online
    • In store: Chris Sports outlets: (SM MOA, SM North Annex, Market Market,  SM Megamall and Glorietta 3
  • Gunstart

    • 21K – 4:00 AM
    • 10K – 5:00 AM
    • 5K- 5:30 AM
    • 3K – 5:40 AM
  • Race Maps

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