“The future is now!!! Brooks Transcend brings you a cushioned shoe that can keep your feet protected and lets you feel the float from a softer landing after each strides. It put premium on comfort making longer runs smoother and more manageable.”
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Brooks Running

Brooks Running
I have several Brooks in my arsenal of running shoes with a White Pure Cadence, a Green Pure Flow, a Grey Adrenalin and an Orange Pure Grit since my then team had a partnership with Brooks. The one thing I noticed about Brooks is that it’s cushioning and support on the heel area makes each stride feel more natural with a better fit. I have the Pure Project series since they are lightweight race shoes and I use the Adrenalin for longer runs and training runs to build strength on the legs since it’s heavier than the pure project series.

Brooks Transcends is available in flashy colors
While there is a growing trend towards lightweight shoes because of the speed from a lighter shoes, one can not discount the importance of sufficient cushioning needed to ease the impact of each foot landing. I’ve gained an appreciation over more cushioned shoes as I went on longer distances. On the latter part of the long run, the continuous pounding of the feet can now be felt by the feet, the knee and the lower back. This is were shoes like the new Brooks Transcend comes in.
Brooks weighs 12.2 ounces which is a lot heavier compared to other race shoes. But what it lacks in lightness, it makes up with support, cushioning and efficiency. Each Brooks shoes is designed with the thought of a runner’s DNA in mind and Transcends boasts of a Super DNA that provides 25% more cushioning than BioMoGo DNA and smartly adapts to your every stride. The additional cushioning helps you feel the float in a run by reducing impact and adding more power in the stride. The Guide Rails adds stability on your strides and becomes more natural and rhythmic allowing the hips, knees and joints to move in unison with each other. The Rounded Heel let’s the ankle sit comfortable at the back of the shoe for easier foot strike and avoiding regular runner’s problem like heel striking. The Ideal Pressure Zones at the sole of the shoes distributes the impact of each stride evenly between the heel, mid-foot and the forefoot which eliminates over usage and fatigue of certain muscle groups. The Plush Upper adopts to the different foot shapes and reduces unnecessary movements in the ankle area.
The shoe has landed is now available in Philippine shores. Brooks Transcend is available at Toby’s, Runnr and Brooks Concept Store and priced at P7,995. Brooks Transcend is the shoes for the big boy and those who prefer to go the longer distance or even those who are new into running who needs all the cushioning and protection they need.

Actress and Sports Enthusiast Jennylyn Mercado with Rod Claudio of SRI Phils, officially welcomed Brooks Transcend in the Philippines.
Brooks Transcend revolutionizes how runners experience stability and cushioning. The Pure Project Line of Brooks give runner a feel experience as it’s designed to be lightweight and really fast while the transcend fall on the other end of the spectrum called the float, which delivers a smooth ride – cushioned, effortless, plush and completely tuned to you.

Ultramarathoner Jonel Medoza tested the Brooks Transcend in a 100 kilometer run.
Also, part of the launch was a testimony of Jonel Mendoza who tested the Brooks Transcend in a 100 kilometers run and exposed the shoes over rigorous condition. While the 12.2 ounce looks heavy, he didn’t feel that it was heavy due to the efficiency and Super DNA technology of the shoes. According to him, the Brooks Transcend is also good to go even on trail conditions. He was really impressed with the features of Brooks Transcend.
Brooks Transcend has taken the cushioning technology to a whole new level with the right material and efficiency added to the shoes. Everybody is bound to experience the Brooks #runhappy experience with #runtranscend. Speaking of Run Happy, Brooks Run Happy 3 is happening on May 11, 2014. It’s not just going to be a happy run, it’s going to be a scenic one as well as runners get treated to the beautiful nature trails of Tanay, Rizal. The details will be out real soon so for now, #runhappy .
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