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All About Suunto

Posted by on 23. June 2013

All About Suunto

Read Also: “My Runs” is now Powered by Suunto

A fresh set of Suunto Ambits were launched to the Philippine Market last June 14, 2013 at California Pizza Kitchen in Rockwell attended by Print and Social Media participants as well as noted names in the running, multisport and mountain climbing community. The launch was simple and concise and here are the highlights.

Suunto Brand Manager Mascy Cabuhat-Pineda introduces Suunto and the new Ambits.

Suunto was founded in 1936 by Tuomas Vohlonen, a Finnish orienteer and inventor of the liquid-filled field compass. Since then Suunto has been at the forefront of design and innovation for sports watches, dive computers and instruments used by adventure seekers all over the globe. From the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, Suunto physically and mentally equips outdoor adventurers to conquer new territory.

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Two new multi-functional Ambits joins the Suunto family in Ambit 2S and Ambit 2. Ambit 2S is a perfect training tool for the multisport athlete whether Swimming, Running, Biking or even go for multisport mode since it also gives you various matrices to measure your performance. Ambit 2 has added navigation features such as  route navigation, barometric information, altimeter with FusedAltiTM, 3D compass.

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Coach Ige Lopez tells us how Suunto Ambit powered his TNF 100 Trail Run.

One of the strengths of Suunto is the battery life and Coach Ige shares how Suunto Ambit was able to last the whole 100 kilometres at the Scenic Baguio Benguet Terrain with its 50 hours battery life.  I also joined The North Face albeit a shorter distance and  GPS Signal here can be challenging which is another  strength of Suunto since they have faster GPS detection capabilities and not to mention advance navigation features.

Coach Andy Leuterio demonstrates Movescount.

When using Suunto, you’ll be using to log in the workouts, Coach Andy Leuterio breaks down all the neat features of Movescount.  Movescount has all the right features with metrics from heart rate, pace, altitude and others.  It also gives you a clearer map as well as breaks down a work out based on different level of efforts and training effects.  All your moves and progress would be logged in here.

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Suunto Brand Ambassadors Andy Leuterio, Keisha Fule and Ige Lopez with Mascy Cabuhat-Pineda.

SBR.PH Rookie of the Year Keshia Fule joins multi-awarded triathletes Andy Leuterio and Ige Lopez as Suunto Brand Ambassadors increasing the top notch athletes in Suunto’s fold.

Bloggers and Media with their New Suunto Ambit 2S and Ambit 2 with Suunto Brand Manager Mascy Cabuhat-Pineda

Select bloggers and media was able to get their Suunto Ambit 2S and Ambit 2 Watches wherein they can use it on their respective races and adventures while testing out all the neat features of the Ambits.  You can just say you’ll be hearing more about Suunto in the world wide web and in print.

Suunto Brand Manager Mascy Cabuhat-Pineda and Suunto Brand Ambassador Coach Andy Leuterio with Tessa Prieto-Valdez and Carlos De Guzman of SBR.PH

Want to learn more about Suunto, visit their face book page: SUUNTO PHILIPPINES and their website:  Suunto Ambit and Ambit 2S is available at all Time Depot Stores.

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