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Tri-Factor Ph Duathlon to be a SEA Games Qualifier

Posted by on 12. March 2019

Run Bike Run your way to the SEA Games as the latest Tri-Factor Philippines National Duathlon Championship at Clark Freeport Zone on March 31, 2019 is a SEA Games Qualifier.

Tri Factor Philippines

One of a Kind Marketing to bring in a One of A Kind Duathlon

International Athletes across and beyond Asia and from around the nation will converge and test their mettle at Clark, Pampanga as the inaugural TRI-Factor Asian Series Run- Bike-Run 2019 duathlon event on March 31, 2019

In this qualifying race for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) co-presented by Clark Development Corporation (CDC) Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), participants will test their racing skills through courses of Standard Distance (10 Km run – 40 Km bike – 5 Km run), Sprint Distance (5 Km run – 20 Km bike – 2.5 Km run) and Super Sprint Distance (2.5 Km run – 10 Km bike – 2.5 Km run). The run segments will be held at Clark parade grounds while the cycling will take place along Clark Speedway.

“We have been working with the athletes, coaches both private sports brands and Sport government institutions, for more than a decade already and so we would like to propel our advocacy of creating values for them thru building the sports and creating opportunities for our Swim Bike Run communities and now we are happy to take part in supporting SEA Games venue Clark w the vision of CDC Clark Development Corporation of having Clark PH as Duathlon Capital in Asia. We will ensure that they will have a One of A Kind experience in this race. ” added Christine Majadillas, Tri-factor PH VP for Marketing and founder of One of A Kind Marketing.

“We are happy for the strong reception we got from the local swim bike and run communities of athletes who signed up to participate in our inaugural event. This partnership with the TRAP will create innovative initiatives in building triathlon sports in the country as we exchange the best practices in triathlon across the region. We thank our partners, TRAP, the media , the trip community and other contributors who helped us establish TRI-Factor’s presence here in the Philippines,” said One of a Kind Marketing COO and TRI-Factor Philippines Country Director Allan Majadillas.

“We are excited to welcome the alliance with TRI-Factor as we work together to grow and improve our exciting sports of triathlon and duathlon. This partnership will surely widen the base of our participants with the tremendous following of triathlon all over Asia,” TRAP president Tom Carrasco stated.

Registration is now open the rates will be

  • $67 USD / 3,495 PHP (Elite and Standard)
  • $63 USD / 3,295 PHP (Junior)
  • $57 USD / 2,995 PHP (Sprint)
  • $45 USD / 2,295 PHP (Super Sprint).

Effective March 8 to March 15, the rates will be

  • $76 USD / 3,995 PHP (Elite and Standard)
  • $72 USD / 3,795 PHP (Junior Elite)
  • $66 USD / 3,495 PHP (Sprint)
  • $54 USD / 2,795 PHP (Super Sprint)

The fees entitle participants to exclusive event t-shirts, a race kit. And now NEW Category is opening for Freshmen/ FRESH-

ATHLETES Category which will open on March 12, 2019 at 12nn. This category is only limited to 200 slots. And first 100 registrants shall get an exclusive Trifactor Care Kit. For more information please subscribe to TRI-Factor Philippines FB or call Ms Belle at 09053162845.

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