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Tagaytayan Na Naman

Posted by on 24. May 2008

I haven’t wasted any weekend the whole month of May with successive weekends spent in Palawan, Anawangin and Sydney… then next week will be spent in Cambodia… so what’s in store this week??? A road trip to Tagaytay with SGV friends Ruth and Anna…

An early morning rendezvous at GB3 and on our way to Tagaytay via “South Suffer Highway” (‘;) and reached Sonya’s only to miss the breakfast time there so we shifted to a buffet lunch in Josephine’s (I love buffet at Josephine’s with their fine Filipino food choices)… It was raining so we had to let things settle down first before proceeding to Paradizoo, which featured farm animals… A unique experience nonetheles… then we visited Caleruega church with its nice overlooking view and spots to see…
A full day on the road with the rainy weather but still it was quite an adventure.

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