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Sydney, So Far…

Posted by on 15. May 2008

It’s day 4 of my Sydney, Vacation and this is the only time that I went home early so far…

Day 1 – arrived in Sydney on a chilly night at 7 pm… Nothing much except dinner with Auntie Esme, Cousins Erick and Arthur…

Day 2 – Arthur had me tour the city – Sydney Opera House, St. Mary’s Cathedral, The Rocks, Darling Harbour and had a 360 degrees view of the city at night via Orbit Lounge… Met up with another cousin Bryan and his Fiance Tiff for coffee in Paramatta area…

Day 3 – Attended Medtecs exhibit in the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center and met with Rondz for a trip to the Aquarium in darling Harbour… We weren’t able to see the Platypus (so good in hide and seek)… Had steak and ribs for dinner with Ronds and his friend Nikko…

Day 4 – Met up with the Auntie Basyang, Cousin Ria and other relatives for a tour along the outer part of the New South Wales… Nan Tien Temple… Fish and Chips at Kiama… Kiama also had an interesting attraction called the blowhole (during gusty winds, the water comes out from the rocky formation)… the beach and some scenic viewing area…

Of course, it’s still day 4… and then there’ll be day 5 – Taronga Zoo and dinner with cousin Becky… Day 6 – Going around with Cousin Renato and Dinner with the Ramon side of the family… Day 7 – Blue Mountains with Bryan, Michael, Arthur and Dinner with Uncle Ben and Auntie Yolly…

If it’s not yet obvious, I’m overflowing with relatives here… At least, I get to enjoy my vacation in the comforting presence of family and friends…

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