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Run Comfortably with Drymax Socks

Posted by on 23. June 2017

Keeping your feet dry can really save you a lot of trouble with blisters and irritation.  It keeps the feet comfortable as you make your way to the various surfaces (including wet ones).  Drymax socks can keep your feet dry with a moisture eliminating fabric embedded in it. It also adds more cushion with a dual layer as part of the built of the socks Drymax is now available at Runnr stores.



I got my first pair of Drymax socks late last year and it has been my go-to trail socks since then.  At first, you’d be awed by the demo above and wonder how does one keep the water of the feet.  Having your feet wet, especially on the early part of the trail and road runs could lead to blisters and irritations.  Those little discomfort can accumulate and end up causing you a race or not being able to finish a trail.  Having a good pair of sock matters especially on the trails as you get through different surfaces and also waters.

Muddy trail, who cares? Right?

Muddy trail, who cares? Right?

Of course, the best way to try a new technology is to just go out there and get your feet dirty.  Even before Drymax came, I’m really picky with my socks as there were races I had to deal with blisters and that’s a not a really good story to experience.  The trails can really be wild and give you a lot of different surfaces.  Muddy trail can drag your feet and even enter your shoes.  River crossings can really get your feet wet and prolonged water exposure can lead to blisters.  Soft rocky trails can have some debris on your shoes and can make it uncomfortable.

River Crossings can be fun!

River Crossings can be fun!

I’ve been to a lot of surfaces with the Drymax socks including muddy trails and river crossings.  Surprisingly, my feet was still dry.  You’ll feet the water enter the foot but the wet feel isn’t there since the moisture is kept on the outside layer of the socks.  I’ve been so used to the comfort of Drymax socks that when I wore ordinary socks and passed by a grassy surface with morning dew, I felt the moisture creep in the feet.  That’s already a big difference.

I was so impressed by the comfort of Drymax socks that I got several more pairs when I saw them in Singapore.  It was also good since it was on sale at that time.  I’ve been on the trails for the most of the past few months and my socks is Drymax.  I also like that it feels softer on the foot with its double layer construction.  That’s specially helpful with the numerous steps I take on a trail run as it reduces the impact of each foot strike.  It serves as a compression with a better fit and arch band support.  The double layer construction also serves as a protective pad, which would keep the feet comfortable even when debris enters your feet.

Another aspect I like about Drymax is its durability.  The first pair I had since last year still feels as good as new and I’ve been in the trails almost every weekend since then.  There’s another good news when it comes to Drymax since it’s now available at Runnr Stores, which also means I got myself another pair of socks.  The Lite Trail Running socks sells within the P500 to P600 price range and is definitely a good buy with its durability and effectiveness.

The trail is best enjoyed when you got to experience the different surfaces and with Drymax, I just worry about the run.  It’s a comfortable socks that will keep your feet cool and dry even on the wilder trail conditions.  They have also specific socks for running and triathlon.

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