Fitness is more of a journey rather than a destination. It’s a process that involves building your bases, training and figuring out your diet and nutrition. Diet and nutrition get you past the rigors of training heading to your athletic goals.
Athletic Goals

Everything starts with a goal. It may not be as big as being an elite runner or winning it all. It can be as simple as being fit, starting a new lifestyle and enjoying the process. Once you get started, it becomes a lifestyle. I’ve chased so many athletic goals in the past. I’ve hit my first sub 1 10 kilometers. I’ve had a good time at my first half marathon. I became a duathlete. I’ve gained enough mental fortitude to finish two marathons and a 50K trail marathon. Just recently, I’ve summitted Snow Mountain (3886 MASL), which completes my own version of the Asian Trilogy after doing Mount Kinabalu (4095 MASL) and Mount Fuji (3766 MASL). These were a lot of stories but the more meaningful part of each goal was the journey that came with it.
The Journey
Each journey begins by making a choice. We choose to live by the fitter side of life and that is a victory on its own. We build our bases by slowly building our body up for the long haul. If there’s one constant in the journey is that diet and nutrition matters. Diet is another one of my struggles as in time, our body’s metabolism slows down but that doesn’t mean I won’t give it a good fight. Learning what’s good for your body is a start of winning the battle of the bulge.

Let’s start with 3 nutrients our system needs – Carbohydrates, Potassium and Energy. These are all found in Potatoes, which are an excellent fuel for our body and our brain whether we’re chasing to be the best or just keeping fit and active.
Potatoes have 26 grams of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are primary fuel for your brain and your muscles. With a limited store of Carbohydrates in our system, we need to constantly replenish them as we exercise.
Potassium is an important electrolyte that aid in muscle and cardiovascular and nervous system function. A medium size skin on Potato (5.3 oz) has 620 mg of Potassium, that’s even more than a medium size banana that only has 422 mg.
Potatoes are also excellent source of Vitamin C; a 5.3 oz of Potato with skin on has 30% of Daily Value of Vitamin C and contains 3 grams of Protein and 2 grams of Fiber.
Diet and Nutrition

With an ideal weight, you can perform better in your athletic and sports activities. It can give you added endurance on long-haul activities like runs, climbs and rides. I’ve included potatoes in my diet, and I’ve noticed the extra energy they give me during my activities. It doesn’t hurt that they are affordable! Talk about good value for your money.
Potatoes are recommended by sports nutritionists for weight management. I’ve heard time and again that in proper weight management, it’s calorie-counting that’s important. When we work out to get to our ideal weight, we still need to consume calories for energy and to stave off hunger. A medium size skin on Potato only has 110 calories, with no fat, no sodium, and no cholesterol. Potatoes have “calories that count” so replacing other meals with Potatoes can do wonders to help you achieve your weight goal.

The destination is really a satisfying feeling whether you’ve hit a new personal best, summitted a new mountain or was able to move up a new distance. It takes hard work, perseverance, determination, patience and having Potatoes on your plate can help you become the best version of yourself.

For more information on U.S. potatoes, and how it can power up physical and mental performance, visit the Potato Goodness website or like and follow Potatoes USA-Philippines on Facebook.