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Posted by on 4. August 2011
“If you have initiative, you’ll always find a way to get the job done.”

Initiative is the thing you get to learn when all resources are not available and you refuse to fail.  It’s just a pity seeing people just comfortably hiding in a barrage of excuses just not to get the job done.  There’s always an unlimited supply of excuses and probably just a few means but all these excuses are immaterial.  People get absolutely nowhere coming up with excuses.  No amount of ass-kissing and lies can cover up an unfinished task.  Merits are given on what is accomplish and not merely on profiles, statures or attention grabbed.  Failure does make one stand out but that goes with infamy.  It’s always nice to keep a measure of pride as a doer but then again not everybody is driven by accomplishment nor self-respect.

When things don’t go your way, learn to be creative and innovative.  There’s always a way.  It’s not necessarily the easiest one but it’s definitely something worth exploring.  Stuck on a deadline, do it a task at a time.  Trailing by a huge deficit, catch up a point at a time.  Going for a longer distance, take it a step at a time. Situations may vary but there’ll always be tough odds to hurdle.  Winners take adversity as a challenge, losers see it as an excuse.  It’s always a challenge and even if not all obstacles are surmountable, at least you won’t look back and wished you could have done more because life does not go on that way,  Life is always happening onwards.

Initiative is something I haven’t been missing on trainings despite the heavy rains lately. Let’s see, I’ve been doused heavily once doing a 12K hill run.  I’ve been running under the drizzling skies. I was able to sneak some runs before heavy downpours. My room has also been my mini-gym with my Rotex machine. I was even able to pull off a big bang Rotex edition though I missed the running in the road badly.  It’s a really wet rainy season this time.  You gotta be innovative just to stay fit.  Maybe I should just get a gym membership again to complete my training sets. The challenge now is just to start a run but so far I’m finding ways to fit it in my lifestyle.

It’s the tail-end of the board meeting preparation and I’m off to China in a few days.  It won’t be easy but I’ll survive as I always do.  There’s no other option really.  By this time, I’m used to things in disarray and eventually it does fall in place someway and somehow.  It’s always good to think of positive things to come.  All the luck to me but it’s on… Ready or Not, here I come.

Well, the fact that I’m able to come up with something on this site after weeks being busy is a good sign unless I end up whining endlessly here.  I really should consolidate my blogs in a website.  That leaves me something to look forward to and to do when I get back.  It’s nice to setup mini-goals and things to look forward to.  It makes difficult times bearable.  There’s more races… a running team… … time with friends… a published article… a vacation or two… a trip back home and a whole lot of hard work.  Now, I can’t wait to get back from my China trip.  I’m taking my initiative to have a good time.

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