“Alaminos and Bolinao owns the best stretches of beaches and islands in the country and you can explore both places via the 100 Islands 100K International Ultramarathon happening this March 15-16, 2014. If you have what it takes to conquer the distance, this would be a very visually enticing race for ultra marathoners out there.”
Life’s a Beach
100 Islands is really a scenic attraction. I’ve been there twice and it’s just amazing how the different clusters of island have different features to admire. There are fine white sand beaches. There are raw undeveloped islands. There are those with great rock formation and a whole lot more. The waters are clear and has been a great getaway point for families and friends. What if I tell you that you can enjoy a tour of 100 islands and still get to explore the rest of Alaminos via a 100K and 50K Ultra marathon event? Here’s more the other end of the course is Bolinao, which has one of the best raw beaches available and you get to see the historical Bolinao church too along the way. Enter 100 Islands International 100K Ultra Marathon offering both 100K and 50K distances with the 50K runners starting in Picucubuan Wharf in Bolinao and finishing at Lucap Wharf in Alaminos while the 100K runners starts in Alaminos takes a u-turn in Bolinao on the way back to Alaminos via the Alaminos-Bami Road. 100 islands 100K International Ultra Marathon is Happening on March 15-16, 2014.
The elevation is flat but the distance is definitely a challenge. It’s not a race for everybody too as there are some pre-qualifications which is finishing a full marathon like MILO, Condurra, QCIM, Subic, CAMSUR. 50K from Itogon Challenge, TNF, Baguio-Benguet Marathon, BDM 160, BDM 102, Ilocos Ultra and any other recognize foreign marathon and ultramarathon. If you have no qualifying race, state the reason why you should be allowed to participate for assessment by the race director. There will also be cut-off times which is 18 hours for 100K and 10 hours for 50K. All 100K runners must pass through the Bolinao Church at 7hrs. The course is going to go on Cemented/asphalted road and the weather conditions during the period would be cool in the early morning, hot between 7 to 9 am and hottest at about 10 am -3 pm. This race is gonna be a visual treat for those who’ll brave the distance and this is probably one of the better ways to appreciate the tour of Alaminos and Bolinao.
This would be both a run and a way to appreciate the views and attraction of Alaminos and Bolinao and also includes a tour around the 100 islands.
Race Details:
- Date: March 15-16, 2014
- Race Venue:
- 100K – Start at Lucap Wharf in Alaminos City, Pangasinan
- 50K – Start at Picucubuan Wharf in Bolinao
- Assembly Time:
- 100K Saturday, 7 pm, 15 March 2014 (Lucap Wharf)
- 50K: Sunday, 2 am, 16 March 2014 (Picucubuan Wharf)
- PreRace Briefing:
- 100K: 8:30 pm, 15 March 2014
- 50K: 2:30 am, 16 March 2014
- Gun Start:
- 100K: Saturday, 9 pm, 15 March 2014
- 50K: Sunday, 3 am, 16 March 2014
- Cut-off
- 18 hours (100K)
- 10 hours (50K)
- Aid Stations
- Aid Station 1 (AS1) located at KM50 from the Start /Finish line. Food/H20
- Aid Station 2 (AS2) at the junction going to the Falls
- Aid Station 3 (AS3) more or less KM 70
- Registration
- Registration: Via email to renderfarmsports@gmail.com (single entry per runner). Required details are full name, gender, birthdate, contact number, email address, qualifying race, shirt size, contact person and number in case of emergency in that order. In the subject of your email, please type HI-100 for easy access.
- Registration fee: 100K – PHP 3,500 (USD 100) 50K – Php3,000 (75USD) non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- NOTE: Registration is only confirmed and complete when payment has been made.
- Please pay through BDO Acct # 5470348017 under Renderfarm Graphics.
- Please scan and email the deposit slip to the RD for validation.
- Please keep and show the deposit slip when claiming the race packet.
- Deadline for registration and payment: 30 January 2014 at 4PM. No on-site registration.
- Upon confirmation of your qualifying entry you will receive an email which shows your Running Number. Print this email together with your deposit slip and present them to Renderfarm staff to collect your running number and race packet at Lucap Wharf during the Carboloading party.
- Getting to Alaminos
- FROM MANILA- take FIVE STAR BUS going to Alaminos bus terminal. From there take tricycle going to Lucap Wharf.
- FROM CLARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – take bus going to Dagupan. From Dagupan take bus going to Alaminos. From Alaminos take tricycle going to Lucap Wharf.
- Travelling by Car – use SCTEX coming from Manila or South. From Dagupan you will pass Sacuny, Sual, Labrador and Alaminos roads.
- Important Rules
- Littering is absolutely prohibited and is a valid ground for outright disqualification (DQ). Keep your waste and dispose them properly.
- Runners must follow the race course as marked. No short cuts or cutting corners to avoid disqualificiation.
- Runners must sign the waiver with medical certificate and be able to present the mandatory gear before being allowed to proceed to the start line.
- Pacers are not allowed.
- Support Vehicle’s (SV) registration is mandatory. SV must stop 100 meters before giving any assistance. SV should take caution not to impede, block or disrupt the operation of the aid station or the ingress and egress of runners. SV must not follow or run side by side with the runner to avoid accident. SV may assist other runner in case of emergency.
- A Runner must not in any way go inside to sit, eat, sleep and have a massage in their support vehicle. More so touching or clinging to the vehicle while running (cheating has no room in this race). Do not use the SV to change clothes or socks.
- Aid stations strategically located along the course with fluids and food are exclusive for runners.
- Rain or shine, the race will proceed.
- Runners and their crew, if any, must be always courteous to the local community. Avoid unncessary contact or communication. Any documented report of discourtesy or unruly behavior will be a ground for DQ.
- A runner must inform the race officials through his/her support crew if intending to discontinue the race.
- This is a road race and each runner must be very carefull with the traffic condition along national highways. All participants must run against the traffic.
- Race Kit will be given during the Welcome Party or Carbo Loading Party. Only the runner is allowed for a free tour to the island hopping. A non-participant can not go with the boat tour unless he/she paid the corresponding fee at the Tourism office.
- Trekking poles are allowed but optional. Runners may include trekking poles in their drop bags to be accessed in AS1.
- The following will be checked before proceeding to the start line:
- Fully-charged working mobile phone containing the number of the RD +639222604201. It is required that mobile phone is on at all times during the duration of the race.
- Water carrier (bladder, hand-held bottles, etc.) of at least 500ml.
- Head Lamp – with fresh batteries
- Race Maps

100K Race Map

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