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Color Manila Run 2019

Posted by on 21. January 2019

“7/7, that’s my track record when it comes to the iconic Color Manila Run to start the new year.  The world needs more color and positivity to usher in the year and that’s how I’d like 2019 to be.”

Color Manila Run 201

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 and the color powders enveloped the air as part of the tradition of each Color Manila Runs. That’s also my 7th straight year of opening the year the colorful way with Color Manila. Let’s start the colorful year with positivity and make as bright as we can. Ultimately, the world is either a colorful one or in black & white by our own prerogative.

Running in Colors

With Maica and Amor

7 years ago, I was on my first Color Manila Run and it was history that created one of the biggest runs in the country by simply bringing back the fun in the run. 7 years after, I again found myself in the starting line and I haven’t missed an event since it started. Having fun never grows old. This time, I was with Amor for the whole 10K distance of the run. Maica would join us later for the post event.

We started at an easy pace or let me just say, we were on easy pace the whole race. I haven’t been that frequent on the road so it was nice to go easy. The race started on time and we had to pass by a fire truck where you get wet and several color stations heading out to Macapagal Boulevard.

The stretch from Macapagal heading to the u-turn area before Roxas Boulevard was a mostly run zone. We tried to squeeze in a few runs in this stretch. It was fun reminding our body of the feel of running again. Runs are also a great time to catch up as I also haven’t seen Amor for quite some time.

With Eugene who was manning the green station

As we made our way back to the Mall of Asia area, we started getting appreciation of the different Color Powder station with its different festivities and gimmick. We also saw some running friends in Eugene manning the green station and Elmar in the Blue station. These two stations were quite a stand out also with their gimmicks.

With Elmar at the Blue Station

Time seems too fast when you’re having a good time and after the blue station, we were on our way back to the event area for the finish. We still kept our feel-good pace and also had our photos taken by happy before we crossed the finish line. 10K run complete.

Approaching the finish line

We got our medal and enjoyed the festivities. There was a kiddie run inside the event village and a really cool dance showdown. It’s really impressive how Color Manila gets thousands of runners glued in for their post-race festivities.

With Maica after the race

I also saw Maica after the race and it was also nice to catch up. She joined our group just in time for the color powder ceremony where in a matter of seconds, the event was full of color powders giving us a visual treat of colors. While we remained clean during the run, we were a colorful mess after the color powder ceremony and just like that, we’re starting our running new year.

Happy Colorful New Year!

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