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Back to the Sleepy Monday Mode

Posted by on 22. February 2010

In a way, Monday has always been different from the rest of my days – It’s the day of my coding cutoff… It’s the day that work resumes… It’s the day farthest to the weekend… yet it’s the day we get to take our head start and set the tone for the rest of the week. Hating Sleepy Monday Mode aside, a part of me do look forward to the sluggishness that Monday brings and just struggle to warm up and be productive. I guess that’s how the future is created, there’s always the struggles of today for the results of tomorrow.

The future has now crossed my mind and I realized that a part of looking forward comes both the anticipation and fear on what’s in store. Maybe that’s the fun part of it, no matter how you prepare for it – there is a part unknown and unexpected. We just have to hope that we are made of sturdier stuff to withstand the storms and an open mind to catch all the blessings in between. I always mention that I’m living by the day and as a change in perspective, I am now living in both the fear and anticipation on what tomorrow brings. For the part we can see or control, I guess our best efforts will leave less room for regret.

I learned of a new term watching Private Practice – Anyway Friend. “An anyway friend is the one person in your life who, no matter what they say or do, no matter what they’ve been through with you, they love you anyway”. Somehow, I’d like to be an anyway friend. Always around just out there care… lend a helping hand… and be a shoulder to lean on…

Post Chinese New Year, this week is expected to be more exciting compared last week. I’m quite thrilled with the idea of moving offices though I’m still at a standstill if a walking distance office would be a welcome change. I hope that Yearend FS stuff be over by the end of the week and the rest of the week spent on the finer side of life… =>

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