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Assemble Your Armour at Balesin

Posted by on 31. January 2018


When you get to mix your fitness and travel activities in one weekend then it must be a good one.  Balesin is a bucket-list adventure that gives you a feel of the different sites around the world like Bali, Phuket, St. Tropez, Costa Del Sol, Mykonos and a whole lot more.  I got to enjoy the island and had my share of fitness routine for the Assemble Your Armour Event last January 26-28, 2018.


Private Villa

Private Villa

Balesin Island gives you an around the world tour of all the refreshing places.  Enjoy the tropical beach fun at Bali and Phuket.  Get the feel of the Greek Architecture at Mykonos.  Be awed by the colorful and lively beach setup of the French Riviera at St. Tropez.  Transport yourself to the coastal towns of Southern Spain at Costa del Sol.  Get the laid back feel of Tuscany, Italy at Toscana.  It’s a choose your own adventure time at Balesin and you can even get to see them all.  That’s how it feels to be in Balesin plus you get numerous fitness, sports and water activities to choose from.



Balesin is a bucket list worthy destination.  It’s pricey but if you want to pamper yourself for a weekend of rest, relaxation and an appreciation of the outdoors then it’s a good spend.  I’ve been wanting to see Balesin for quite some time now and when Under Armour had an event, I immediately grabbed the chance.  Experience and adventures are priceless and years from now, I wouldn’t want to look back on a life of ‘ifs’.  Forget the hefty price tag, I’m game for this adventure.

St. Tropez

St. Tropez

3 days and two nights is not enough to enjoy the island but I just made the most out of it.  I joined the island tour on the first day where we got to see the different themed village of Balesin.  We were booked in Bali Village and enjoyed the tropical island paradise feel of Bali.  The good part about Balesin is your free to try the other village so you can have your meals or take a swim at the other villages.  It also gives you that secluded feel with so many villages and fewer people around the island.

I was able to squeeze in a few short runs in between events and if I’d have the chance I’d explore the island by foot and also bike around the island, I’d love to swim in the different themed village too. Well, that’s something I would look forward to the next time.

Assemble Your Armour

With Gretchen Ho

With Gretchen Ho

Assemble Your Armour was set on our second day at Balesin and it was raining real hard.  Balesin is rain ready as it also has indoor facilities for the activities.  The Beach Volleyball was moved to the Sports Center.  Gretchen Ho handled the Volleyball session and she gave pointers to the participants.  They ended up with an exciting and tightly contested Volleyball game.  Gretchen Ho is such a passionate host for the session.

With Olympic Silver Medalist Hidilyn Diaz

With Olympic Silver Medalist Hidilyn Diaz

Up next was the Olympian’s workout hosted by Weightlifter and Olympic Silver Medalist Hidilyn Diaz.  Hidilyn showed different basic exercise made more effective by Sanctband.  She focused on the proper form and execution of the participants.  Sanctband can really help build more muscle strength and give you an added resistance in your workouts.   Hidilyn is such a down-to-earth athlete that you can feel her sincerity when she teaches.

Aegle Wellness Center

Aegle Wellness Center

Then we had a healthy and hearty lunch at Ambrosia in Aegle Wellness Center.  The day before we had a fitness check up at the Aegle Wellness Center.  It was a comprehensive check up that gave us an idea of our overall fitness level.  It felt so funny for me that I was silently telling the machine to stop when my weight was already above the normal. Yes, I have to work on my weight but based on the result, I have a faster metabolic rate too so I guess it’s workable when I resume my training.

IV Therapy

IV Therapy

I opted for a high protein meal and yes, it was delicious.  We also got a talk on nutrition and among the key items I got to note is to go for complex carbohydrates (instead of rice).  I also got my IV treatment, which was the sports boost.  It had a mix of L-carnitine, Glutathione, Vitamin C and a lot more nutrients applied to your system over 45 minutes.  I also wanted to try the Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment but I guess that’s on my next time list for now.


After the treatment, I saw a window to squeeze in a run before the next session at 5 pm.  Yes, I opted for a run instead of rest. I started from Bali to the Sports Center, which was about 1.5 kilometers away.  I still had several minutes to spare so I went on to the clubhouse and back to the Sports Center at 5 pm for the next session.  It was nice to run in Balesin as it was a cool afternoon just after the rain.  They had soft grounds, which meant less strain on the legs and a rich forest view.

6 minutes abs session by Mark Streigl

6 minutes abs session by Mark Streigl

After the run, I headed to the gym for Mark Streigl’s session.  With Mark’s MMA background, he has really mastered managing his weight for his fights.  Mark’s session was short but can really be practically added to our daily routine.  We can never be too busy to be fit. If you still insist that you are busy, here’s a 6-minutes abs workout you can do everyday.

  • 30 seconds knee rolls (like doing crunches but each repetition you let you hand roll to your knees)
  • 30 seconds leg lifts (hands on butt, feet straight, and lift your legs)
  • 30 seconds plank
  • 30 seconds mountain climbers (push up position and alternately push legs in a forward motion)
  • Do it 3 times without rest

True enough, I was sweating hard just after 6 minutes.  It’s challenging but not too overwhelming so it’s really doable.  Mark has also helped his friend, Justin (who was also at the event) lose 30 pounds in 28 days.  Follow Mark Streigl and check out for his fitness challenge too.

I guess we earned this today.

I guess we earned this today.

We wrapped up our day with a night of singing, food and fun.  It was a full day but anytime you work on getting yourself fit is a good day.  Assemble Your Armour has given me a different look at fitness from different disciplines.  Fitness is all encompassing and Under Armour was able to give us a lot of reasons and ways to be fit.  It was also nice to interact with the different ambassadors as you can see that they are not only good in their field but are also great people up close.

With Tin of One of a Kind Marketing

With Tin of One of a Kind Marketing

Going Home

Run Franckee Run

Run Franckee Run

Before heading home, I was able to sneak in a 30 minutes run in from Bali to Sports Center and back.  I know it’s a packed itinerary but it’s just my way  to appreciate the island one last team before going home.  It’s always a great weekend when you get to travel to a new destination and discover fun ways to be fit.  ‘Til next time.

Bye Balesin

Bye Balesin


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