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Year of the Franc – 5th Part

Posted by on 31. December 2010

I guess the definition of a successful year is becoming more complicated by the year. How do you measure a year??? I started the Year of the Franc blogs in a banner year wherein I moved on in so different levels at that time – from completing grad schools to promotions to more travels to new milestones. It was so simple yet every year it has been more of a roller coaster ride.

Each year, I had some new challenges and milestones to achieve… A few years ago, it was a race against time and the credit crunch to raise much needed funds… A year ago, it was a ultra tight and extraordinarily early financial reporting deadline… Seems anti-climatic after being in those heart-beat stopping scenario… This year is a race in a new arena outdoors trying to beat time, muscle fatigue and at times the weather to improve my running and eventually be faster, stronger and injury-free… And I hope next year, I can resume my chase for happiness and peace of mind.

2010 had me go through new highs with a ride at the finer side and brief as it was, these were filled with a lot of good memories that I still do treasure. Then came a sudden turn of events, one that had shifted me from the finer side to being completely messed up leading to a downward spiral. For a certain time, I did lost my confidence after a series of bad fates, false starts and some meddling people making my life a difficult one. The good part, when you reach rock bottom is that the only place to go is up and then came redemption or at least the road towards it. I started running… and it became a new passion and leading to good results. Good things do happen in messed up ways.

I started to lose weight… run faster… run longer… run stronger… I’m still a few minutes away from my speed goal for 10K but I’m training real hard for that goal. The past few months had me saying goodbye to the sloth in me and I now have to scramble all the time I have to workout 4 times a week, work the usual overloaded and under appreciated corporate slave, and still be able to spend time with family and friends. A difficult challenge but it was worth a try… and so far I’ve been surviving. I guess what matters most, is that when you sum it all up, you are able to become a better person after each setback then if that is the case, they are not called setbacks but more of springboard for bigger things. A positive outlook always helps.

A lot has changed in 2010 from my previous jet setting years, I tried to limit my trips to just 4 business trips (Taiwan, Singapore, China and Cambodia). I still spent my long weekends and holidays well with trips around the country from Bataan to Subic to Clark to Laguna to Cebu to La Union and trips to hometown Baguio. Well, I may step up my travel load a bit next year but I guess a lot of that hangs in the balance on the next moves I’m gonna make… and it won’t be those safe baby steps anymore… It’s gonna be risky giant strides. It’s gonna be a leap of fate and the only thing I have yet to determine is the timing of the leap. Well, that keeps things a less predictable.

Things ended on a false note with dis-functionality ruling over reason. It was not a good sight to see people ending their year on that note and even worse site seeing a skewed reward system. Not the best of endings but I’ll definitely bounce back with a vengeance in 2011… and yes, that is a threat. I won’t be as predictable as ever and there will be some chapters that will remain unsettled before the clock ticks its final seconds for 2010. Maybe a part of me was never meant to be OK for me to continue yearning on how to complete the missing pieces in the puzzle of life. I’m leaving 2010 with no anger, bitterness and maybe just a hand full of regrets but I’ll take what I have cause it’s gonna be a whole new ball game…

I’d leave the year on a note of thanks to all the people who cared and shared a part of themselves… to people who was always around when needed and those who were there at the worst of times… to people who just gave their earnest share to make my life better… and even to those people who doubted me… You all had your roles to play in 2010 and it wouldn’t be a wild ride without you all.

2011 here I come!!! Be prepared… Be scared… Be surprised… Be vigilant… It’s gonna be a dynamic and busy year… It’s gonna require a SUPER effort… It’s gonna be another chase and a rather exciting one… The best part of endings is that a new beginning is in the horizon… and I dare say, Just bring it!!!


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