2022 is a year of realization. It’s the first year that we are leaning to the normal life. Time was a blur and life was chaotic. I barely felt the year pass by but there was so many things happening like being in a time vortex just seeing moments pass by quickly as they happen.
Year Of The Franc 17
If you ask me, I could count the highlights of the year but I remember so many little moments worth remembering. I guess the big things in life are the little ones. What matters is not only the big goal ahead but those tiny journeys and milestone you hit by the day. It was a blur and you could easily take out January this year as we all were stuck at home dealing with the Omnicron Covid variant. Let’s just sat that 2022 was a year that started mid-February.
February felt like being on life-support and slowly being revived back to the year. It was at this time that I started hiking with my Sound of Music Moment at Mount Batolusong and all out adventure at Agro Forestry reserve. March was my birthday month and it felt ordinary compared to my previous year’s celebration. I’m just glad to discover Mount 360 for my birthday hike, which would end up to be my favorite mountain and a venue of my second trail event for the year.
April, May and June were months on overdrive with me getting back the catch me if you can attitude with hikes and travels in Tanay, Baguio, Bataan, Tagaytay and my first vacation after a long while in Siargao. It was also time for late night cocktails, group lunch treats and a lot of feel-good moments. July was bit of a slowdown as I have work deadlines. August had me enjoying my first family vacation since the pandemic at Blackwood Nature Homes and taking time to go home in Baguio to explore the trails on consecutive days at Mount Ulap, Yellow Trails and Mount Bidawan.
September was about weekend trails and coffee dates. October was a big one with me returning to trail events for On A Trail Mission at Mount Bidawan, doing my first race in more than 2 years and more trail adventures planning the next trail mission. November was the usual recons, attending a wedding and yes, another board meeting. I had my second event in December at Mount 360 and joining the wedding of the century at Las Casas in Bataan and of course, the stressful holiday rush.
2022, In A Nutshell

There were so many good byes in 2022 and a lot of moving on. 2 years post pandemic, a lot of people have realized on what will make them happy. They know what they want more than ever. I too know what makes me tick and one of them is no longer letting petty and melodramatic moments bother me because life is short. We’ve lost so much the past two years, including precious time but in retrospect, I’ll always look back to those days that made me more focused and a lot more appreciative of the NOW. Was it a good year? Well, it was a roller coaster. There were highs and there were lows and I wouldn’t have it any other way. No regrets and pure gratitude.
2023 seems more clearer for me but one thing I learned lately is keep your cards closely and just make your move at the proper time. I’m ready 2023!!!