What goes around, comes around.
It’s never been as evident as it is this week. Some goodwill have been tarnished because of self-gratifying ways of some people. I just hope that people did learn their lesson. If you don’t do the right thing, it will eventually haunt you. It will be another uphill climb. The good part is I’m leveling up my efforts and is more determined than ever. I’ll be making bigger waves that will ripple and I won’t let people’s insecure ways stop me this time. I work best when the going gets tough.
The tough ride has began this week… earlier deadlines… numerous meetings and presentations… more involved in all aspects… endless queries… and a tougher persona… It’s on!!! I’m done getting things done in the shadows. I’m stepping on the gas and getting past all the annoyances to be several steps ahead. It’s a lot more stressful but I’m up to the challenge and the goal is getting it done within the regular day. I still would want to keep my work-life balance.
And about that balance, I’m still able to sneak in a few weeknight runs and even join a fun run this weekend. I’m glad that my pace has improved and I’ve officially entered myself at 10K in next’s month’s run. That’s another level up but I do have a lot of work to do to prepare for that event. At least, I have a goal in place and a plan in store. Running is no more an addiction to me, it’s now a lifestyle and I’m loving every stride of it.
Another level up is that I have gotten my iPhone 4, now already fully clothed and pampered. I haven’t got to test it yet though as I have yet to activate my sim but the contents are already in the unit and I can’t wait trying to run with its GPS feature. I did wait for this and I’m glad I got mine during the launch even if I almost miss my meeting for this. Sometimes, my priorities are misplaced… hehe.. I’m also back to the Globe network, at least for my office number. I’ll have my DUO activated soon and that’s me being more easily accessible.
I’m glad I ended this one on a relaxing note with a full body massage. I’m looking forward to another week of multi tasking and running. Somehow, I’m sure it won’t be an easy week but it’s fine with me. New doors are opening and I may be taking some big steps but it’s still wait and see… =>
Thoughtless Thoughts: The world won’t always move in the direction we desire but we can always choose to fight the tides for the battles we believe in…