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Tagged With: Trail Marathon

Volvic Force of Nature Marathon

My calf muscles was about to cramp at km 10 and 13 but thanks to kind strangers who had muscle spray, I was able to continue. Then I was back to the usual dilemma on how to last the next 10K on cramping legs. Somehow, I did! That’s a reminder of how it is to suffer and yet find the inner strength to gut-it-out and finish. Continue reading »

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Miyamit Falls Trail Marathon

When you lack physical preparation, train your mind to be tough enough not to quit. That’s my mindset as I was running with some injury. It was not an easy course with more than 1,000 meters of elevation gain with both the sun and the rain coming into play in the race. Miyamit Falls was just beautiful and the race was just EPIC. Continue reading »

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