Tagged With: Greentennial Run
Midnight Run 2013
“All Hallows Eve comes but once a year and the Greentennial team has come up with the innovative Midnight Run to celebrate the occasion in all the fancy and scary costumes and a whole community of runners who’s eager to have fun on Halloween.” Read about: Incoming: St. Peter Midnight Run Midnight Run It’s the … Continue reading
Incoming: St. Peter Midnight Run
There was a folklore that spirits can freely roam the Earth on All Hallow’s Eve and people wear costume on Halloween just to confuse the spirits into thinking you are one of them and leave you alone. So goes the tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween and the running community also lives by this tradition … Continue reading
My 2011 Favorite Races
I wanted to do a top 5 out of the 21 races I’ve joined this year but I’m getting 7 on my mind so might as well go with 7 on the list. This list is based on how I enjoyed, the innovations made and the overall challenge of the race. 7) Globe Run for … Continue reading
Greentennial Run
Distance: 15K Time: 1 hour 38 minutes Date: January 23, 2010 Pace: 6:32 / kilometer Greentennial has been so active in covering runs and out of gratitude for all the photos they have taken, I made it a point to join this run and it was an additional motivation that it was a chance to … Continue reading