Tagged With: AFC
Asian Food Channel’s Eat and Run
Burp… After a 6K Relay and Food After Distance: 6 Kilometers Food Relay Date: March 24, 2013 Read About: Incoming: Eat and Run “AFC’s Eat and Run treated runners to a combination of a hill run, good foods and team play set in a very festive Piazza Venice. Run Fast, Eat Faster and have all … Continue reading
Categories: My Runs
Tags: AFC, Asian Food Channel, Eat & RUn, Eating, McKinley, Outbreak BGC 2, Outbreak Manila, Piaza Venice, Running, Runtertainment, The Zombie Journals
Incoming: AFC’s Eat and Run
Eat and Run Some people get overwhelmed by the distance and the pace at how road races go but what if we totally change the rules. Let’s make it a relay to add team play in the equation and cut the distance into manageable distance of 2 Kilometers. Wouldn’t that be enticing for a runner? … Continue reading
Categories: My Thoughts
Tags: AFC, Asian Food Channel, Eat & RUn, Eating, Incoming, McKinley, Piaza Venice, Running, Runtertainment