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Struggling and Sluggish

Posted by on 27. May 2011
“When things don’t go your way, just call them lessons in the course of Life.”

It’s always the easier choice to whine when things don’t fall in their proper places but when you give it more of a thought, you’d just realize that those are pieces of a much larger jigsaw puzzle called life.  Sometimes, things fall apart to make way for new things and that’s what makes things interesting no matter how much you plan, there are always surprises waiting to happen. Life is unpredictable but all that occurs equips us better for the rough road ahead.

I’ve probably spent more time on the road or on air the past few weeks than in the confines of work and I’m glad that I’m on the not so busy part of my schedule.  The busy part was a one tough stretch having to combine all the work worries with a strenuous training and travel schedule.  On the upside I was sharp and focused as ever just to be able to juggle through the limited time.  Now on the flip side, after a few weeks in the lighter side, I am now struggling and sluggish.  A step slower… A yawn harder… A need for a gasp of air faster… I guess, it’s all in perfect balance but being on the slow side is not my comfort zone. I’m starting to get warmed up again and veering away from sloth mode.

Unpredictable as it may, the best way to move towards the future is to prepare for it and how do you do that.  It doesn’t always start with a plan but it starts with toughening up today. Anything can change in a blink of an eye but if your instinct are geared in the right direction, then you’ll always be fine.   Live by the day and take those lessons as they are… the good, the bad and the ugly.  Lean on the constants in your life and be flexible on the variable stuff. So you can go switch from a busy phase, to an easy one, to something fun to something depressing and all those gives a distinct experience.

While the raindrops has started to fall and the heat wave has been on and off which is such a convenient excuse to be sluggish but on the opposite, I’m  upbeat and excited.  I’m doing my trainings in the drizzling skies, I still have one trip up my sleeves and I’m positive that interesting things are meant to happen.  Good or bad??? I don’t know but I won’t want to be caught struggling and sluggish.  Anything goes and that’s the best part of it.

And whatever happens, It’s an all out effort because it’s not fun, if it isn’t the best shot.

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