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Palawan Escape

Posted by on 21. June 2009

Funny how it took me five long years after mg first out of the country trip to have another domestic trip. I felt after breaking my out of the country jinx, I now have the drought on domestic trip to deal with.  Something always happened and the trip won’t push through but all streaks has to be broken and a trip did push through and it was a trip to Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

Puerto Princesa is such a big placed and we had a packed three-day itinerary to fit in as much as we could. We spent a day exploring the city tour starting with seeing all those crocodiles (not in congress) but in Crocodile Farm We also visited the Butterfly Sanctuary and appreciate the view from Mitra Farm. Day 2 was spent snorkeling, kayaking and having fun at Dos Palmas which was such a delight to visit owing to their excellent views and facilities. Day 3 was to appreciate one of the top wonders of nature which is the Palawan Underground river.  This was a result of the limestone formations its interaction with the water.  It was amazing to see various shapes and sizes formations inside the underground river.

Palawan is such a big island and Puerto Princesa is just one of the attractions.  There’s still El Nido and Coron but that would be reserved for some other time.

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