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Lazy Month of May

Posted by on 4. May 2012

Lazy May

My personal history dictates that May is my laziest month of the year.   Working my first few years in an audit firm, May is the start of the slack season wherein you can forget about your accounts (tentative or not) and look forward to your cluster or market circle outing.  The remaining years of my work life spent in a multinational company wherein AGM is done at end of April and May is slack season again.  May to me is an adventure month wherein I’m more of a jetsetter or a travel-a-holic more than anything else.  I can chronicle so much adventure at this time of the year.  There was a time wherein I spent barely a week working with me jetting off to Singapore, Australia and Cambodia and having an Anawangin Adventure, Palawan and Tagaytay trip in between.  Then there’s those frequent travels to Hong Kong or ticking off most of the domestic destination at this time.  Nothing spells May to me like V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N.

Strictly Singapore

Ended April and Started May with a quick swing to Singapore for this year’s AGM.  I always say that the development is so fast in Singapore that every year you end up visiting a new attraction but this time I just took time to be with friends.  First day was spent with Sharon and Yohannce.  It’s just this time of the year that I get to see Sharon which was a change from our frequent dinners before when she was still in Philippines.  The next day was spent with Mascy’s niece, Maki who’s such a smart and cute kid.  I love playing with Maki as she’s just so amusing to watch with all her talents and endless tales.  Next stop was AGM which was an animated one compared to the routine one we had in the previous years.  Last day was spent doing a run in Singapore’s warm morning and meeting up with another friend Warna.  I guess when you come visit the place so ofter it’s the people you get to meet again you look forward to more than the place.

Sporty Side

  • Subit – I’m off to Subic for the weekend to watch the Subic International Triathlon and support Team Total Fitness.  Of course, I’ll also take time for a two hour bike ride around Subic’s scenery while the rest of the team do their last minute race preparations.  It’s gonna be fun watching a triathlon event for the first time.  It was late last year, when I watched a duathlon event and ended up competing in one on the next leg.  The tri event might take more time though as I’ve been raised in the mountains of Baguio and have no idea hot to swim but who knows, I never even saw myself running just a few years ago.
  • Caylabne – I’ll be attending a multi-sport camp at Caylabne on the 19th. It’s gonna be a solid brick training to prepare me for powerade duathlon.  It should be a nice change of environment and interesting test of strength and endurance.  This should be fun.
  • Powerade Duathlon – By the 27th, it’s gonna be my second duathlon and a chance to improve my time in 6K run, 30K bike and a 3K finish at a different venue.  I hope to be able to build some steam coming into this event even though this month has a lot of side events and disruptions.   Time to cease my lazy ways and train and work harder.

Bakasyonista Side

  • Las Casas – It’s gonna be a unique experience as I try to sneak in a day to visit Las Casas in Bataan.  I have seen pictures of this place and heard some great feedback so time to check it out.
  • Back to Bohol – I’m going back to Bohol with SGV friends from the 11th to the 13th.  There’s been a lot of changes in Bohol since my last visit in 2009 and since I’m thinking of doing half marathon distance in Bohol Marathon then it should be a good way to assess the course.  Other than that, it’s gonna be great hanging out with old friends and just having a vacation.

Packed Month of May

I guess I have a packed month of May to look forward to and given that with a heavy travel schedule I have to squeeze in more quality training time so even if I’m struggling a bit as of late, It’s all systems go!

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