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La La Land

Posted by on 17. June 2009

Childhood Fun

I’ve spent so many childhood summers in this place.  For one, my parents would ship me off for the Summer to stay in Naguilian, La Union.  I would spend time swimming in the riverside. I would also bike in the area from the house ’til the market.  Since the air was fresher, I’d take the chance to just play around in the rainy skies.  I’d grab all the mangoes from the trees in the backyard and eat it as I please.  In my latter summer of growing up, I also would take care of younger nieces and nephews.  My parents were one of the youngest in the family which is why I had nephews and nieces at an early age.
Family Beach Time

Summer also meant that we spend some quality family time swimming in the waters of Bauang, La Union.  It was our simple concept of family fun.  We hire a jeep from Baguio pack in all our stuff and take an hour and a half ride from Baguio to La Union.  We would rent a cottage, cook our own food, play card games and chat endlessly.  Of course, our role as young ones back then was to swim and have fun and make it difficult for our parents to pull as away from the waters when lunch was incoming.  We’d also have an island hopping from time to time. The next day we all have sunburn and we would stand proudly of the fresh map created from our skin due to the peeling of the sunburn.  It was as simple as that but we had fun.  Among everything else we enjoyed each others company and would look forward to the next chance to bond as a family again.

La La Land

I few years ago I was able to go back with my cousins in La Union this time as grown up.  We were there to appreciate the waves of San Juan which was a surfing area in La Union.  Enjoy the Casino and the view of Thunderbird in Poro Point.  Appreciate different flora and fauna in the Botanical Garden in San Fernando, which was quite an uphill drive from the main city.  Of course, how could we miss the splendid sunset view of the South China Sea and had out dinner with an overlooking view of the ocean.  I’ve also been to several resorts in the area and there’s really a lot of resort from those with in house pool, to those by the beach and to those who fall in white sand territory. La Union is one of the smaller areas in the Philippines but La La Land has a lot to offer.

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