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Incoming: Cardimax Clark Ultramarathon

Posted by on 23. March 2016

Clark is a popular weekend hub in the Philippines.  It’s a modern city that has a touch of nature.  It’s the perfect place for a run with it’s runner friendly streets and refreshing surroundings.  Cardimax Clark Ultramarathon is happening on September 3 and 4, 2016 at the Clark Parade Grounds. It’s gonna be a test of skill, patience, endurance and teamwork as you Go Longer… Go Faster… and Go Together. Registration is now Open.

Cardimax Clark Ultramarathon

I have high respect for ultramarathoners.  They go beyond the norm and push themselves farther beyond their limits.  There never seems to be a finish line when it comes to Ultramarathons as it’s surprising that there’s a new longer distance that comes out once in a while.  Cardimax Clark Ultramarathon combines the love for the long distance run and a really safe, run friendly environment in Clark.   All the preparations leads to September 3 and 4, 2016 as runners converge at Clark Parade Grounds for a test of skill, patience, endurance and team play. Cardimax – Clark Ultramarathon is a premier ultra-marathon event in the Philippine. The event consists of 100 Kilometer Championship and 50 Kilometer Challenge categories. It also includes 4-Men and 2-Men Relays for the 100K and 50K, respectively.

The partnership between Cardimax L-Carnitine and the Clark Ultra-marathon team is a synergy of purpose intended for promoting health through sports. Cardimax L-Carnitine is a supplement that is ideal for endurance athletes; it helps in mental improvementand physical performance. It also reduces lactic acid accumulation and aids fast recovery.

Cardimax – Clark Ultra-marathon, together with Race Yaya Events Management, Simple Hydration Bottle, Pace Prehab & Recovery, Urban Ashram Yoga and Soleus / L-Time Studio, and its volunteer mentors and running teams are all set to bring together different perspectives, support and expertise, with the intention of providing an extraordinary race experience on the roads of Clark Freeport Zone. The Cardimax-Clark Ultra-marathon is a tough but memorable race. Runners of various degrees of speed and ability are expected to gather in this journey to harness their OWN energy: to go longer, go faster, and go together.

Go Longer. It is an ideal race for the aspiring and relatively new ultra-marathoners to go beyond a marathon distanceor do their first century distance. Similarly, endurance athletes can find the race as anavenue to improve and test their endurance levels while enjoying the tough but scenic course.

Go Faster. The race is set to attract top marathoners and ultra-marathoners in a challenge to outrun themselves and their competitors. The race will reward top performances in individual and team categories.

Go Together.This is more than a race; it is a journey designed to inspire each other in the sport. It offers an 18-week Training Calendar and a race day event where runners can learn from each other and from coaches, fitness professionals and other partners. Together, our runners will “dig deep” and explore the innate, possibly dormant, strength in them. Everyone will experience the special camaraderie and friendship among competitors, volunteers, race officials and spectators.

Real time updates on the athlete’s location will be available online as they pass through time checkpoint stations via the Race Yaya Timing System. Soleus will be the official timing partner. This will be the first of its kind in the ultramarathon road racing in the country.

The organizers and sponsors will treat participants as they cross the finishing line with race rewards. Top three overall and top three in each age-group category will be awarded during the Awarding Ceremonies. The fastest 100K and 50K team for 2016 will be crowned Team Champion. The 2015 Team Champion to beat is Ayala Triads for 100K and Team Soleus for 50K.


At The Clark Cardimax Launch

One of the best parts of Clark Cardimax Ultramarathon is that it’s not just a race they are promoting but the whole experience.  They equip you with a training program and also have group runs to build you up on race day. It’s also great that they have partnered with gear providers to aid runners with the race and their preparation. There’s Chamois Butt’s to avoid chaffing.  There’s Viva Athletic Philippines for your outfits. There’s Eyecatcher for race visibility at night. There’s Simple Hydration for your hydration bottle and Urban Ashram for your strengthening needs.   There’s Francramon Enterprises Inc. who would be providing P1,000 off on your Oakley Eyewear Purchase at Maximus Athletes Shop and Cafe located at Sparta Complex, 126 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City.

Race Details


Upon registration, participants are provided an 18-week recommended training program, with details of the activities and venues, to properly prepare for the race. These activities are spearheaded by the organizing team, volunteer running teams and seasoned ultramarathoners. Francis Diano, PT, MCMT of Pace Prehab & Recovery will be one of the training consultants and lecturers. Urban Ashram Yoga will provide free yoga sessions for the participants. Training activities commence on May 1, 2016. Prior to this, runners should have passed the strict qualification requirements for the race.

Tentative Schedule is as follows:

  • Runners’ Bootcamp – Saturday, May 14 at the Conrad’s Cafe
    • Cardimax-Clark Ultramarathon Introduction: Jon Lacanlale, Race Director
    • Recovery 101: Francis Diano, PT, MCMT, Pace Prehab & Recovery
    • Endurance Nutrition: Cardimax Philippines Representative
    • Training and Running Emergencies: Doc Cecille Mendoza, Team Rescue 8
    • Ask the Experts: Q&A with top and veteran ultramarathoners
    • Free Yoga Session: Led By JC Ty, Urban Ashram
  • Group Long Runs hosted by various running teams – weekends of May-August
    • May 14 – Team Matindi, Greenhills Area (Rye Daza and Jerome Bautista, Lead)
    • May 28 – Ayala Triads, Makati Area (Gia Estrella, Lead)
    • June 12 – Team Powepuff Boys, BGC Area (Alfred delos Reyes, Lead)
    • June 18 – Pinoy Aspiring Runners, Ortigas Area (Silamie Apolistar, Lead)
    • July 12 – Monumentum Milers, (Daphne Codilla, Lead)
    • July 24 – Team Soleus, McKinley Area (Coach Roel Ano, Lead)
    • August 7 – Team Clark and Tukod, Clark Freeport Zone (Doodsie Mallari, Lead)
    • August 28 – Team Pukers, Filinvest Area (Wilnar Iglesia, Lead)
  • Race Briefing and Racing Tips 101 – Thursday, August 25 (More details to be announced)


Ernest has one of the biggest heart when it comes to running.

  • Date and Venue:

    The race starts at the Clark Parade Grounds between September 3rd and 4th, 2016. The surrounding area of the Clark Museum will be transformed into a festive race venue to welcome ultramarathoners, volunteers, family and friends. Clark Development Corporation (CDC), The Villages are the venue and hotel partners.

100K runners (including the 4-men 100K relay teams) will take off at 6PM, while 50K runners (with the 2-men 50K relay teams) will start at 12 midnight. Participants should finish within 10to 18 hours after gun start for 50K and 100K, respectively.

  • Race Route

    The route shall take the runners to the wide highway towards the main gate, along the tree-lined Airforce City which displays WW2 fighter jets and planes, and will further take them towards SCTEX and back to Sacobia River on their 25th kilometer.  Halfway, the terrain shall present some steep climbs and downhills until the turn around point back to Sacobia Bridge. The last kilometers will be along Balagtas Avenue, aptly called “The Wall”. The route is a mix of open and tree-lined roads. It is expected to be chilly at night and scorching hot during day time. A scenic view of the mountain ranges of Miyamit and Mount Arayat shall be a treat to the runners.

    Clark Development Corporation, the Philippine Air Force, together with our marshals and Team Rescue 8 Medics, shall ensure safety for all participants. There will be plenty of support at aid stations to allow the runners to focus on their race. Outside support is prohibited, except at the identified aid stations. This is a green race; runners have to bring their own bottles to aid stations. Simple Hydration bottle will be providing discount vouchers for all runners,

  • Fees and Inclusions

  • Registration

    • Step 1. Go to and follow the registration procedures in the website.

      (4 Man Team)

      50K RELAY

      (2 Man Team)



      Early Bird (April 15 or when slots are filled up)

















      Please ensure that you have read the (a) Race Details: Description, Qualifications, Restrictions and (b) Race Rules and Regulations.

      Step 2

      Runners have the option to pay online, via bank deposit or at the Second Wind Running Store. Runners who have paid online will automatically get their slots reserved. Non-online payment should be made ideally within 48 hours from registration, otherwise, slots will be re-opened to other runners.  Registration will only be confirmed after payment.

      Any runner found to be in violation of the race restrictions, qualifications and requirements after registration and/or payment will result to disqualification, race exclusion and forfeiture of their registration fee.

  • Race Updates:

  • Partners and Sponsors:



L-Carnitine has been recognized as a weight loss supplement, but it is more important than that. It helps our body function the way it should.It is necessary to transport fat into the mitochondria of the cells to produce energy. Whether it is energy for a sport or our simple daily activities, energy for a sick or recovering patient, energy for the elderly, Cardimax helps create it naturally and efficiently. Cardimax – Harness your own energy!


The Race is organized by Race Yaya as Event Manager with Attorney Jonnifer Lacanlale as race director. Race Yaya is a team of seasoned runners who are professionals in the fields of marketing, finance, event management, information technology, race organization, among others. They have organized and managed several major endurance events.


Simple Hydration Bottle provides each runner with special discounted price which will allow them to #RUNSIMPLE during their training runs and at the race itself. Simple Hydration bottle is a 16oz hook-shaped bottle, which you can tuck anywhere. It is so SIMPLE! Order at



PACE is a world class sports medicine clinic. It advocates being proactive with conditioning, training, and biomechanics; assessing each individual athlete’s physical condition and taking steps to prevent injury and improve performance.   PACE Prehab & Recovery is located on the 16th Floor MDI Corporate Center, 10th Avenue cor. 39th Street, Bonifacio Global City. Call for more info at +639156783600 or visit their website


Urban Ashram supports Endurance Athletes through its program Flexibility Not Required (FNR); an ideal core strengthening that helps athletes endure the demands of running long distances. Participants will be exposed to free yoga sessions, which they can use in any Urban Ashram Yoga Studio. A brief lecture and yoga session will be held on May 7.


Soleus is an experienced product team focused on creating innovative timing devices, including watches. The “push-one-and-run” feature GPS paired with the sleek casing and styling has made this GPS our indispensable/go-to everyday watch as well. So the reviews are in—GPS One. It delivers everything you need. Soleus is available at all L-Time Studio Branches

Venue Partners: Clark Development Corporation, The Villages, Second Wind Running Store, Conrad’s Cafe

Training and Racing Gear Partners:

  • Chamois Butt’r – Runners will receive free sample on race day to avoid chafing and blisters
  • Viva Athletic Philippines – 15% off on purchases
  • Eyecatcher – Special/Discounted price for participants (see attached)
  • Oakley Products – P1,000 off at Maximus Athletes Shop Café

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