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Here, There and Everywhere

Posted by on 20. March 2011

Time and energy is always a diminishing resource, don’t waste it on people and things that don’t matter”

I wonder how long can I go on with this lifestyle and to think vacation season has just set in. I’ve been stuck in a myriad of meetings and work requirements, travel and a very rigorous training program. It seems that I’m here, there and everywhere… rushing from one task to another and running on a very thin line. For one, Time is not something on my side but I’ll always have the will to keep going until all task to be complete.

I’m now in Taiwan racing against time and patience and looks like I’m getting the short end of the stick this time. To go on eight cycles of the annual report rush is beyond my imagination. I think I need a new career!!! It’s time for a drastic change and though I have so many avenues apart from the current responsibilities. I’m really caught wanting to change things up… New environment, new challenges, new goals and new beginnings. Please… Please… Please…

There’ll be a lot of challenges incoming, first with a long 15K race this Sunday and I feel it’ll be a tough one given I’m coming straight from the so cold weather of Taiwan and will be cramming to prepare for the race. I just hope I don’t get injured and be able to set new highs or records. It’ll be three racing weekends culminating with a high-altitude run in Baguio. My after-work life is quite exciting and busy… If only work was less demanding and more appreciating…

 And then the travel bug takes its bite. I’m booked already for so many adventures in the next three months with a trip to Bora for the holy week, a work and play week in Singapore come end of next month, a breather in HK come May and a long weekend in Bellaroca in June and I’m still in the middle of planning two to three more escapades and my weekend races and maybe in between all the travel, I get to take on new chances. It’s just a consolation that I do get to look forward to a wonderful and legend-(wait for it)-dary summer as last year came and blew by so fast

So I’m caught up in so many things at the moment and the tide has been turbulent with me struggling with time, patience and keeping my sanity in place. Well, if life doesn’t make you a bit crazy, why bother living it. I’m torn by my excitement and my current frustrations. Somehow, it’s fun to see the end is approaching but you know that the worst is yet to come. Oh well, work hard, play harder and everything will settle down in its due course.

I’m stuck here, there and everywhere and it’s not an easy time but I’d rather be here than to be stuck.. NOWHERE

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