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Fast Track

Posted by on 31. January 2012

And just like that the first month of the year have passed.

Year End Crunch

Nothing makes time go faster than a ticking deadline and a busy schedule.  Year end problems have started to creep in and this is just the start.  The worst is yet to come.  In less than a month, it’s gonna be Board Meeting time, Full Year Announcement and Annual Report.  I so hate this time of the year but I’m living by the thought that this are the final acts of a play and in the next scene, it’s gonna be a whole new environment.  This time, I’m craving for a change… Change of Scenery… Change in Challenges… and Change in Annoyances.  I’ll work on that game plan soon and I do have some LinkedIn request to accommodate.

Morning Madness

And speaking of game plans, how do you prepare for a half marathon that starts in the wee hours of the morning?  I’ve started to try to wake up earlier than the usual.  I’ve started to sleep earlier and get as much sleep as I can.  I’ve have been diligent in following my training program which comprises mostly of long hill runs and sufferfest cycling workouts.  If by chance I doze off during the run, I have a double espresso shot of energy gel to keep me awake.   I dare not make any bold predictions on how this is gonna turn out but I do know when the gun start hits, it’s gonna be a feeling-out process and a unique experience running the Skyway.  Who knows might invent the run- sleep – run technique by Sunday.

Cycling Time

Trainings have  been more exciting with my bike around even if most of the time I have to do my sufferfest at home on bike trainer.  Biking one to two hours outdoors per week is fun and I can’t wait to acquire skills further and join my first duathlon event.  I’m still a long way but I’ll get there.  Somehow, I’m looking forward to the bike rides I’m able to squeeze in a day before the run.  I’ll squeeze another ride before Condura.  I also noticed some improvement in my overall fitness level.  I’m slowly strengthening my quads which now shares in the burden of running.  Now to work on my ankle and other muscles… Hello TRX!!!

Fast Track

If I don’t have any hurdles to overcome, I’d sure wish time’s gonna jump one more month and start counting the days before I turn another year younger.  I’m back to the days that I’m looking forward to my B-day and this just means, I’m back to my happy disposition.  It’s gonna be a party and it’s gonna be fun but I’m leaving that part after hurdling all the obstacles in place starting with the year end rush.

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