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Posted by on 22. December 2010

It’s not best to burn bridges… cause there is really no such thing as goodbye… sometimes it’s just a way of saying, “We’ll meet again some other time…” The world is such a small place, we’ll eventually bump into each other… and then came FAAsko

Christmas… the frenetic time of the year when you get to shop, party, give, receive, eat… and get in touch with people that became a part of your life. Life may have thrown people all around the world but we all did chase those deadlines, spent overnights (if not overweeks) at the office, became do-it-all people just to finish an account, enjoyed those out of town trips, been pestered and pampered by the same clients… and at different times, we had the mentorship of FAA, MCM and CPA as the building blocks of our careers.

So for a day, we all came back to the company that held as through all-those 24/7 working spree… FAAsko Na!!! It was years in the making… months in the planning and just a week before the event details got finalized but eventually we found the time and place. Events like this don’t come often with three partners around, people coming home for the holidays, people who’ve been just around and the future movers of the profession. The past… the present and the future mixing it up to have fun… the place was just right… the food was abundant… the games were nerve-wracking and laughter-filled… the gifts overflowing… the time was stretched to the limit… and the KTV singing did catch up after everybody got warmed up.

Seeing that people had a great time… had a chance to catch up… had a chance to meet new people… had a chance to display their singing prowess and discover new talents… makes all the time spent planning and going through the roller coaster ride of organizing such an event worth it. It’s also a proud to look back and to look forward that we’re like a tree branching out and how far we’ve spread our twigs… Not always in the same direction but it’s the one meant for us to take and the best part about is we’ll always find our way to our roots… and this is what this night meant, a time to go back to our roots.

It seemed that time moved so fast and even if we’d like to pause time for a bit to seize the rare moment, all good things has to end… and like I said, there is no such thing as good bye… “We’ll meet again some other time…”

Excess Inkblogs: And some other time might be soon… might be grander… might be away… might be anything you’d want it to be. I guess, let the thinking process begin…

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