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Early Weekend Thoughts

Posted by on 6. March 2010

I’m up early on a weekend so might as well vent out some uncluttered thoughts.

It’s the weekend before my birthday and the kid part of me is so excited on meeting friends anew, celebrating and just turning a new leaf over. In this time and age, I’d like to call it a level up. A year that passed and hopefully a year as a better individual. I always am showered with so much blessings and burden but at the end of the day, I’m still thankful for everything. Life has always been a roller coaster for me and it leads me up and down at such a rapid pace but I guess, it’s not really how many ups and downs you can take but at the end of the ride you are still standing on both feet.

I watched Up In the Air yesterday and I liked it since it was not a typical movie. It says of a jet setter having the time of his life living in the airport but at the end of it all, he realizes that there’s more to life than a frequent flyer miles program. A burden free life. At times, I get to live that life always at a safe place ready to move at the slightest provocation but a lot has changed the past month and somehow, I get to glimpse at the future more. Sometimes, we really need those burden to keep us grounded and be able to reach out on things that matter. It makes a world of difference when you know what you want.

And about jet setting ways, I’m set to start off my travel itinerary for the year with a week in Taiwan. We’re cutting the trip by a week hoping that we can be more efficient this year for the annual report. I have Singapore next month and the rest is still up in the air but definitely there’ll be more but rest assured, I’m still grounded. Somehow, I enjoy my life here enough that I’d always try to minimize the length of my travels.

Changes has been popping in and out as of late and I’m welcoming them with an open mind. I got to develop a “just bring it” persona with a lot of what I do constantly evolving and requiring various approaches. Planning is one thing execution is everything. There’s always a part that you think hard about but to a greater extent, it’s your reaction that matters. The universe has been moving more dynamic, the faster you adopt the greater chances to catch up.

I’m off to several celebrations in the next few days and I’m looking forward to it. I use to celebrate my birthday before as a welcome break to the busy season (FYI for non-audit/accounting friends, a busy season usually peaks at March and end mid April) but since we are done early it’s just a celebration and I’m sure I’m gonna enjoy it since it’s been quite some time since we last touch base. Let the parties begin…

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