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Cycling RAAMpage is a Race Across America Qualifier

Posted by on 27. April 2018

With a growing breed of Endurance Athletes comes a cycling event that’s gonna be a qualifier for one of the world’s toughest cycling events in Race Across America.  Cycling RAAMpage is holding a 6, 12 and 24 hours time trial starting at the Villages in Clark Freeport Zone on July 28, 2018.


Cycling RAAMpage Race Across America is considered by many as the world’s most challenging bike events with a grueling format of non-stop cycling across 13 states.  We now have a chance to see more FIlipinos to take a shot at the event since Cycling RAAmpage happening on July 28, 2018 is a RAAM qualifier.  All athletes and cycling enthusiasts from Philippines and Asia are welcome through experience RAAM through RAAMpage, which is the first official Southeast Asia qualifier.  Registration and sign ups are now open and can be reached via While it follows the time-trial format of Race Across America, RAAMpage will be having a 6, 12 and 24 hours category to cater cyclists of all levels.  Team David’s Salon, the team behind RAAMpage, wanted to ensure that all cycling enthusiasts will have the opportunity to experience RAAM on the level they are comfortable with. To qualify for RAAM, participants need to complete 612 kilometers for male solo and 563 kilometers for female sole in 24 hours.

“We are extremely excited that Race Across America has recognized our capability – both as athletes and hosts – to put up the first official qualifier in Southeast Asia.  We know that RAAM is on the bucket list of many cyclists and we are thrilled to be bringing that experience here and who knows – we may have race finishers who will actually join RAAM,” says Carmela Pearson, head of RAAMpage and herself a second place mixed relay finisher in Race Across America in 2017.

David Charlton, owner of Team David’s Salon believes that not only will RAAMpage be a great opportunity to showcase how the Philippines can organize world-class athletic events, he also knows that the Filipino Athlete is more than capable of taking on RAAM.  

“I myself was with Carmela and our awesome team of four and we actually placed in the world’s toughest bike Race!  Imagine when we open this experience to even more Filipino athletes,” says Charlton.

RAAMPage will be held on July 28, 2018 at The Villages in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga. 

Race Details

Date and Venue:

  • Date: July 28, 2018
  • Venue: The Villages, Clark Freeport Zone



  • Online via Cycling RAAmpage

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