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Color Manila Run

Posted by on 7. January 2013

After all the colors and the hues.

Distance: 10 Kilometers
Date: January 6, 2013

Color Manila Run

“The world would be a lot safer and colorful if we welcomed the New Year with color powder instead of gun powder and firecrackers.”

For a colorful and alive 2013 – Photo by Lem So of

The Color fever has caught Metro Manila and I’ve been drawn to it since I’ve heard of the concept (Incoming: Color Manila Run).  This was a no pressure, and all-the-fun-you-can-have type of run with no need to worry about race results and just focus on having the time of your life.  This was an excellent first foray for newbies and also gives experienced runner a distance to build on their mileage.  For me, I wanted to have my first race on a strong note and at the same time, enjoy the powder throwing as much as I can so went on to do the 10K distance which is a combination of a good run and great powder throwing fun.

This is gonna be FUN!!! – Photo by Lem So of

Race Route and Elevation

One thing I liked about this race is they came up with a unique course in BGC area. This one started in 34th Street and went all the way to Triangle Drive and back via University Parkway.  The Race goes to the High Street Area all the way to 26th Street then to Rizal drive until it intersects in 32nd Street.  The race goes back to 26th Street and heads back to the High Street area before descending back to the other side of BGC via 5th Avenue.  The race heads to one last long stretch of Kalayaan Avenue via 8th Avenue and returns to 34th Street for the Finish.  Elevation is not much of an issue here but there are some short climbs which is from Triangle Drive all the way to the high street area, after the u-turn in Rizal drive back to the high street area and finally the road back in 8th Avenue.

The Race

Let’s Start the Year with a Bang. – Photo by Vampire Runner

The race was festive even before gun start as the regular warm-up was changed to a Gangnam Style dance number.  That’s a good way to keep the muscle warm.  It was still dark at the 10K gun start but since the first color station (PINK) was just a few hundred kilometers away, I went on to wear the shades even if it was still dark. I started slow around 7:30 minute pace since the first kilometer rewards you with two color stations, (PINK and BLUE) so I stopped every color station to have my dose of colors.   It was amazing seeing each color station, as you a approach them, you would see a mist of the different colors.

I want more COLORS

The next kilometer, I started speeding up to 6:30 to 7 minute pace with only one COLOR Station (YELLOW) and a long stretch of the road. I went on with this pace proceeding to the high street area and then Rizal Drive with most of the kilometer markets had volunteers adding colors to you.  Since I was going at a fast pace, most of the colors were disappearing because of sweat.  I’m having fun now since I’m going at a speed I want save for occasional water breaks and color stops.  This was for the first 8 Kilometer of the race.

Full Speed Ahead – Photo by Vampire Runner

The last two kilometers of the race turned out to be really festive.  I know that the race would really be fun but I didn’t know it was this fun.  I saw people rolling over the PURPLE color powders in the ground.  I saw people throwing color powder at each other.  Of course, I slowed down for the photo opportunities seeing Jinoe Gavan of Takbo.pH, Lem So of Pinoy Fitness, Spongebob Runner, Rodel Montejo, JojoPauly of Running Photographers and other photographers in the area.  I’m still a bit clean at this time since I’ve sweated all the colors already.  I had them pour a a bucket full of color powder at the GREEN station and headed to the finish line. So a strong 8K and a festive 2K is definitely a good way to start the year.  I got my medal and joined the crowd getting the color powder for the color ceremony later.  That was really fun and I was even thinking of going back to the earlier color stations for another loop. I want more Color Runs!!! Fortunately, there will be more color runs this year which includes one that would be a night run.

Color Powder Ceremony

Color Powder Ceremony -Photo of Jonah May Trapal

Next up was a color powder ceremony wherein all the participants had to throw different color powder at the same time and it was really a breathtaking sight.  Since, I was still clean compared to others, I still added some colors in my attire with the left over color powder.  Everybody really had fun and had a colorful run.  Just imagine if the whole country can do this simultaneously on New Year’s Day.  Wouldn’t that be festive?  I was able to see some running friends within the event and it.  I’m glad to start my running year with this event and running has definitely been more fun and more colorful with Color Manila Run.  Congratulations to the sponsors and organizers of the event.


With the Man behind the Toby’s and Runnr Brand Toby Claudio and Pinoyfitness Mars Callo – Photo bY Vayne Alacar of Without Limits

How was your Color Manila Run Experience?  Feel feel to share your thoughts and this post.

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