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Coffee Appreciation Time at Maximus

Posted by on 21. December 2016

There’s more to coffee than it’s bitter taste. It’s full of different flavors depending on the beans, the roasting and the preparation.  It was coffee appreciation time at Maximus Athletes Shop Cafe last December 17, 2016 in a session handled by Master Roaster RJ Zamora from Bean & Barley. 

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Maximus Athletes Shop Cafe

I got a better appreciation of coffee ever since Maximus opened this year.   When it comes to coffee, we always are on the lookout for that bitter sting to set in to awaken our senses.  Well, there’s more to coffee than that bitter taste.  There’s a different flavor when it comes to preparation. There’s a different taste when it comes to origin.  Some would have a natural citrus taste.  Some would have a tinge of chocolate in it. Some would have a nutty after taste.  Some can be a combination of flavors.

Maximus Athletes Shop Cafe was the venue of the coffee appreciation event hosted by Master Roaster RJ Zamora of Bean & Barley.  It was a two hour workshop, where we got a better appreciation of coffee as well as develop a more discerning taste buds in search for those different taste and flavors.  We started by testing out different types of fruit for us to appreciate the acidity in coffee.  Some coffee have a richer citrus flavor and some have a neutral or even drier acidity. We also got to try nuts and chocolates to learn to discern more on the different taste.  We also got to test the richness of different milk. We also got to differentiate coffee fragrance versus coffee aroma.  Coffee fragrance is the scent you get from dry coffee while coffee aroma is much more encompassing than just scent, it’s also about mouthfeel and flavor.

You have to utilize all your senses when it comes to coffee.

  • Sight to see the different coffee beans
  • Smell to get the fragrance and aroma of coffee
  • Taste to get the mouthfeel and flavor
  • Touch to feel the texture of coffee
  • Hearing to listen to the process of the coffee preparation

The next step was to taste the different coffee flavor from different type of beans.  Slowly, we were able to discern each flavor and characteristic or at least we are starting to get the hang of it.  By appreciating the different fruits, nuts, chocolates and milks, our taste buds were more equipped to get to be more discerning from one coffee with a citrus flavor, to another with a nutty feel, to another with more range of flavors and one that had a strong bitter taste.  Yes, there’s more to coffee than its bitter taste.

We also got to taste coffee with different textures.  Same beans, different textures means different taste. This is how important a coffee grinder is. After the session, we talked everything about coffee and we did learn a lot too. Where do we go from here?  First, stop bad coffee. We are used to just the bitter taste but once you start appreciating coffee, you turn a world of black and white to a world full of colors. We are in the next wave of coffee development and it’s time to try out the different specialty shops like Maximus and have a better appreciation of coffee. Explore and you’ll be surprised with the rich experience you’ll get with specialty coffee.

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