We’ve wasted so much time in meetings last week and was able to overcome some challenges but when the rewards came in, it didn’t feel satisfying. It was not because the rewards was meager but more on that the scope and goals should be properly outlined and measured before an able rewards system should be in place. At the end of it all, reward or no reward, it’s all part of the job. This is my way of telling no more quick-fix challenges but time to prepare for long-term directions.
Despite the barrage of meetings, solutions are starting to pop up and that coming from the limited non-meeting times. Well, I appear unenthusiastic on meetings but it’s really a long drawn out anxiety from a previous cycle of meetings and ending up resolving nothing. At least, I did beg off from further meetings in the coming week due to the monthly reporting deadlines.
After all the challenges and the meetings, I finally had my fun in the sun in the form of a trip in Cebu and it was a good change in pace. Nothing beats bumming around in a hammock surrounded by water and a breeze of fresh air. It was nice that this time I wasn’t involved with the usual drama of everyday life. I’m burnt and roasted and stuck in a bit of vacation hangover but who cares, I had a great time. The family’s off to home now and all things are back to normal, or so I think… Yeah, some of my cousins from down under is flying in so have to look forward to that too…
A lot of stories have intertwined and apart from thinking of the highs and lows is the continuous chase of living through the peaks and valleys that comes along the way. The plot lines may be complicated and the resolutions may be murky but the story goes on… That’s all that matters, that’s all I care…
Life lives, life dies. Life laughs, life cries. Life gives up and life tries. but life looks differently through everyone’s eyes.