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Bruised and Battered

Posted by on 31. July 2010

It’s been a difficult week. I did get some messages of concern and encouragement in between but somehow I’m in a tipping point. Stress I can take… Mission impossible I have crossed that line several times… Unending politics, bickering and blame-throwing is starting to take its toll…

I should really get used to this by now but I’m in deep thought if I just allow the situation as they are. Even if I don’t give much of a damn for the irrelevant, being under constant attacks is not ideal either. Looking good by discrediting other people doesn’t make you less insecure. I’m comfortable that I am able to contribute accordingly so even if I’m bruised and battered by the attacks, I will survive. Maybe after you have walked your talk, that would be the time I would listen.

I just don’t get it that people tend to count other people’s blessings instead of their own. To make things simpler, there are more things in life than financial rewards and now, I’d like to dwell more on the other essential things in this next phase. I’m probably leaps and bounds away from my other goals but I’ll have time to catch up.

And speaking of to dos, I do have an unresolved issue to deal with… somehow I know what to do but I’m still lost on how to get it done. I know that I should find a way to bridge some gaps but I’m afraid I might create a much larger wall that sets us apart further. I’m speaking in riddles… hahaha… That’s exactly my frame of mind as of late… a big unravelled riddle…

Well, I’m glad to end on a peaceful note… A lot of requirements are complete and ended up meeting friends – dinner with an audit colleague and party with the AGSB gang… All is well that ends well for now… Life is just too important to take seriously… =>

Excess Inkblogs: In the heat of the frustrations, I ran 5K at the Ayala Triangle to blow off some steam… When things are not well, it’s good to appreciate the simple things like a nice walk and a good run.

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