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Back in Hangzhou

Posted by on 6. December 2006

After 8 days in the Philippines… I went back to Hangzhou for the Board Meeting of Medtecs… It was a very short visit… leaving Philippines on December 3 and stayed in China until December 5… Well, it was colder than I expected… 4-8 degrees compared to 13 degrees two weeks earlier… Not much happened except for having a foot massage at the hotel after the preboard dinner…

The board went on smoothly and had the regular board dinner… where of course, there was the usual large consumption of wine and alcohol as a courtesy to our Chinese and Taiwanese counterparts… Good thing the alcohol content of beers and wine in China is much less compared to the Philippines except probably the Chinese White Wine which had about 60 proof… Drinking is such a common denominator in doing business in China…

The younger ones (me included)… went to gobble up more alcohol before finally going back to the hotel by midnight… Had to catch my flight the next day which was early at 8 am… to take a short breather at one of my favorite places, Hong Kong… still have to continue touring Hong Kong but that is a story reserved for another blog…

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