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Around Davao

Posted by on 18. June 2009

I was stuck here for several days for an audit engagement years ago.  I was perform controls testing and inventory count.  The count was a real challenge for one you have to measure by use of estimation and geometry warehouse full of copra, the white in the coconut which would then be converted to coconut oil.

The other challenging part was to go on top 50 foot or even higher wanks to measure the content of the oil tank which involves knowing the diameter of the tank and the depth of the oil in it.  Yes kids, geometry does work in real life situations and a double yes again, an auditor’s life is not always being stuck on a desk going over volumes of working paper.  Sometimes, it gets as extreme as this.  Just an additional information, the process of measuring this is called sounding wherein you drop a rod inside the tank until it sounds and become steady meaning you’ve hit the bottom of the tank. Once you’ve pulled out the rod, you can see until which part of the rod is with oil which you then measure for the depth.  Another key component is the time of measurement as you factor in the possibility that the oil expands due to the temperature.I’m done with boring part.

Davao is indeed a great city as we were able to have fun at a beach in Samal and the way to the beach had Balete trees grow in mangroves.  The beach had fine sands and included water facilities.  We were also able to see the Philippine eagle and enjoy the night life in Davao and I had a discovery that you don’t notice the smell of Durian when you’re a bit drunk.  It did taste good and at the same time had lots of fun for the night life.  Of course, there’s also the food that I liked in Davao as we had all the seafoods that we liked from scallops to shrimps to salmon to tune and a whole lot more.  We were really well taken cared of in this trip.  We were housed in the staff house inside the plant and the plant GM really gave us a feast for lunch and dinner during the trip.

Well, this was more of work but I’ll definitely be back for more of the tourism.

You can also check my working trips in Leyte and CDO and Iligan.

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