My Bowling Form
Bowling Time during SGV Days
Prior to running, I had bowling as a sport. Knowing that we’re practically working 24/7 as auditors, we’d sneak out 10:30-11:00 pm to the nearby Coronado Lanes or Paeng’s in Greenbelt. Of course, this two structures are gone now and in its place, we now have the Greenbelt Residences. There was also a lane in Rockwell which later on was converted to several shops at this time. There was also one in Makati Cinema Square though the lanes are a bit packed and a bit old. The drill was do a few rounds of bowling and resume work at midnight. No, we’re not working night shifts but that’s just how the audit profession thrived before. To add thrill to the game, we’d record all our scores and being the number wiz we are, we would average our scores and come out with a ranking and career records. It was really scary and exciting knowing that every time you throw the ball, it’s gonna be a part of your career average. Well, as the bowling lanes dwindled and everybody including me moved out of the audit life and so was the frequency of our bowling games. We were able to play a few more but I guess as I shifted work and adjusted to the new environment, bowling took the back seat.
Bowling During our Cluster Outing. Can you spot the hidden Franckie?
Palms Country Club
After almost a decade of missing out on bowling, I had a chance to play again at Palms Country Club after an invite by Retired SGV Partner MFG together with Ms. Del, Jing and Bobot. The last time, I’ve been in this area was during my first duathlon last March. The experience came in handy as I didn’t have a hard time finding the place again without the convenience of an efficient map from my iPhone. I didn’t know what to expect again after not playing for some time. There were two practice racks before the actual game and to my surprise, I had two spares.
I can really be animated when I play bowling.
Just a quick refresher on the terms.
STRIKE (X)- hitting all the pins on the first throw.
- If you hit a strike, the accumulated points on the next turn (2 throws) would be added to your score (10) in the frame where you had a strike.
- If you had two successive strikes, the score would be 20 + the number of hits you have on the first throw.
- If you hit three successive strikes, that’s called a TURKEY, which has a score of 30.
- If you hit strikes on all the frames, then that’s called a perfect game for a score of 300.
SPARE (/)- hitting all the pins using two throws.
- If you hit a spare, the number of pins you hit on the first throw would be added to your score (10) in the frame where you had a spare.
MFG’s Classic Form
While I had spares on the warm up at the onset of the actual game, I struggled on the first few frames until I hit my first spare in the actual game and suddenly, I remember some key concept like focus more on the arrows than the pin and it’s important to have the proper form and follow through. I was able to catch up to have a decent score of 118 on my first game. I can really get animated when I play bowling as I can jump at times, bend to follow the stroke of the ball and have some gestures when I get a strike, a spare or I miss it. Now that I’ve finally gotten the hang of it, I had 128 on my second game, followed by 118 and another 126 in the last game and all the frames were either strike or spare or close ones. Come to think of it, I was more consistent in this game than before as I can go hot for 150+ or could go so low to just barely a 100 before. One good thing though was that even being away from the lane, I still know how to bowl. MFG was consistent throughout while Ms. Del exploded in the third game and Jing also had her moments of brilliance. Bobot only played the last game after coming in late.
Bowling and Pizza
After an exhausting 4 games of bowling, we had pizza for dinner. This one was a make your own variety as you just tick all the ingredients you want in the Pizza and they’ll make it for you. This one turned out well as the freshly baked crunchy crust was able to combine all this ingredients into one masterpiece. It really did taste good. That’s a nice wrap to a night of bowling and Kudos to Palms Country Club for giving us a nice venue and MFG for the treat.
Eating Time!!!
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